chapter three

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Milo Warrior. That was the guy talking to me earlier. He seemed frightened. Why was he scared? Out of all the times someone's described Milo, frightened was never one of them. I had never met him until now, but based on people's descriptions of him, I could tell that it was him. He's the guy everyone goes to for drugs. He is always in stock and his prices aren't that high.

The room was dark so I walked up to Milo in order to see better. When I could see, I realized that there were tattoos scattered all over his body. Tattoos. Jessica had a tattoo. Only one and it wasn't very visible. I don't think many people know about it. The only reason I knew was cause I walked in on her changing once. She had forgot to lock the door.

"Where's the message?"

"I-I have it," the girl in the back answered.

I would know that high pitched voice anywhere. Alissa Browne. Little miss popular. I lost my bracelet because of her. The last thing that connected me to my mother. My mother. One of the reasons I left.

I reached my hand out and Alissa passed me the note. Her hands were trembling; Like she was afraid of something. I opened the note and I felt myself shaking as I read it.

It's been a while now, 528. Or are you going by Tess now? Teresa Mallows? The normal girl. I know it's who you want to be but you mustn't forget where you came from. Now, you must be wondering why I've brought you to these lovely people. Well love, you are to train them. Train them like you were trained. See, they are traumatized right now. That body I had you dispose? There's more of them. A lot more. Each one of these again, lovely children killed someone. It's your job to get them out of the messes they made. Why must you do this? Well, you're going to need a... what do you kids say nowadays, squad? Anyways, I'm going to need you to form a little squad of your own with my lovely little friends I've acquired for you. Now, you must be wondering, why now? Why reach out to you now? Remember when I killed her? One of the reasons you left? Well, I didn't kill her Tess. I didn't kill her.

My head was beginning to spin. I felt my eyes start to water and all of a sudden, I couldn't feel my legs anymore. She's not dead. I didn't want to read on but I knew I had to. I needed to know more.

She's alive. I kept her under the compound all these years but someone found her. I went to check on her last week and she wasn't there. I looked everywhere. I wasn't going to drag you into this mess cause I know you don't want to be a part of this life anymore but I need you Tess. He found out that I was keeping her there. They took her somewhere and he's got everyone on the lookout for me. They want me dead Tess.

"Oh god," I gasped while trying to catch my breath.

Get her back. Please get her back. Train them, then go look for her Tess. Go look for mom.

With utmost love,

Your brother

"I-I. Get my bag," I sputtered out. Nobody moved. They were all staring at me like I was crazy. "NOW!"

Alissa ran over to my bag and brought it over to me. I ripped it open and grabbed my phone. I began to dial Bernard's number. The number immediately when to voicemail, so I left one for him.

"Hey, I won't be back for a while. I know you probably don't care but I have something I need to take c-care of. I fed your rat this morning but he hasn't had any food since then. Um, don't forget to feed him. Ok bye."

"His rat?" Jeremy asked clearly disgusted.

I ignored his comment and turned to face the group.

"You're all going to take turns telling me how you ended up in this situation. If I don't like what you're about to say, you're out. For good."

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