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You heard a noise and it was down stairs like a scream and I ran down stairs and iv seen my family tied up and my little brother only was 7 and I was mad so I ran to him and so.done was by him and said.well hello little girl and I said I'm 17 bitch and I hugged my little bro and he started crying and I said its ok and my mom said i love you and I said I'm sorry for being the worse kid getting kicked out and my big brother died I'm sorry and I seen a mint haired guy say last words
And I said mom this is for you

And dad I love you and never go back to drugs because I'm gone and my lip bro always be good and if you get a girl call me or I will try to call you and I gatta meet her so she will be y/n proved I hugged him and I said if you get billed tell them that I will come for them and that I know cunfo ok I love you so much and the mint haird boy said ok lets go now and I had to pack and we left and mister mint guy ssaid I'm suga and you will be my maid otlr go to school bit me by you at all times and I said school and he said ok I'm am 18 so we gatta act like I'm 17 and I said ok and we started driving and I said I'm ganna die in the place you taking me right and he said maybe and we got some were and suga grabbed my arm and went to a room in the house and it was a two story house but kinds big but not huge like a good house and he through me in a room and locked it and the room was ugly and I thought that I would not be weak I'm strong and I went to the closet there was good closes but not many and I fell asleep and I woke up to suga and he said get dressed and I did and I wore

And dad I love you and never go back to drugs because I'm gone and my lip bro always be good and if you get a girl call me or I will try to call you and I gatta meet her so she will be y/n proved I hugged him and I said if you get billed tell them...

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And I just came out and suga said lets go and I did go with him and we got in the car and someone started driving and I said so are you ganna be having all the girls screaming or what he said no I'm ganna be new here so if they do sorry and we got to the school and we got out and.suga looked nicer and we walked in and some boy came to me and said hey baby and I said hey and suga said what babe and I said what I'm not dating him sorry and the boy grabbed my arm and suga looked mad and said sorry she is mine we live together and the boy walked away and some girl came to suga and said hello sexy and suga said sorry I'm taken by this lovely sweet lips girl and she looked at me and said I'm better I'm sweet and cute not like her and I said well why wont you duck off and I she said no thanks and I said or else and she said or what and she slapped me and suga said y/n are you ok and I said yes and I punched her and she fell but got up and said how dare you and she tried to punch me but I held her hand whene she tried and I head butted her and suga said y/n kiss me a d he did and I kissed back and he whisperd in my ear that someone was looking at me smirking and I said ok and I said don't take this personally but that was my first kiss and he said omg really and he said I will be nicer
Suga pov
I felt nice when she said that and I said I would be nicer and we went to dance class and she went to the dance stage thing and started danceing to

And I was shocked and I said lets dance together and we did amd we danced to

Chanelle pov
And I hugged him and the bell rang so I went to music and I had to sing or rap and I chose tap and I raped to

And I sat down and suga said dam you are good and I said ok thanks and some other people sang and I was the only one who rapped and the bell rang so we went to gym and we played vallybal and I had to wear some shorts and shoes with a tight shirt and the boys had to wear some big sortsbwoth a shirt that they want and we got ready and we played a game and I hit a ball and it hit some boy and I whispers shit and he looked at me and played with the game and he hit the ball to me fast and it hit my leg and I fell and bam thats all you heard and suga went to me and hugged me and said who the duck did this and that dude rased his hand and came out and said well she hit my head so she deserved it why you asked and siga said you hitting my girl and he hit him and the boy chuckled at suga and said she's a little faget to date and suga said really she is pretty good at this her lips are soft and she is not a slur if that's what you are ganna say and suga hit him amd grabbed his coler and said.chicken hit her again and I will do worse then this and siga went to me and picked me up and said its ok and I said thanks and I thought dose he like me and we are a cupel now and suga took me to the locker room and said grab your close and we will change ok but go in there ok and I did what he said and got in the little room for changeing and I changed and I went out and suga looked like he will kill someone and I said my little brother who hit him? And be said rm and I said.can I see my little brother at his school? And suga said yes you can but I gatta be by you and I said thanks suga and he called the driver and we went to the car and I told him were he was and we started driving


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