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So we started driving to my little brothers school and suga said so I know we only meet for 1 day but I wanna be more noce to you and not be so mean and I said ok sugapoo and we got to my lil brothers school and we went inside and a asked the teacher and he said bed in the lunch room and I went in aide and I seen my little brother crying and I said brother and he looked at me a d said y/n and I said ok so why you crying and he said i am getting bullyed and I saod by who and he pointed at 2 kids and I said ok stay hereand suga came with me and I said whats your names and that said James and Jason and I said really well don't mess with my lil brother or else you will see me in your dreams and trust me you don't wanna and that said ok I'm sorry and I said see him thats my little brother and I pointed at him and I went to him and I said ok ots all better ok no more meaney heads ok and I looked at him and I said how's mom and dad and he said they all ways fight over why your gone and I said really wanna go home to them or with me and he said with you and I said suga can he please and suga said ok but he will have to sleep in your room and I said ok and your little brother said ok and he said you can call me shithead and I said where did you get that word and he said mom and dad and I saod no dont say that word ever again and he said I'm sorry a d I said ok but I will call you tiny and he said ok and I signd him out and he grabbed all of his stuff at his desk and cubby and I said do you have any friends here? He said no and I said wanna move to a different school and he said yes please and I saod ok lets go get your stuff at the house and suga said he's so cute and I said I know right and we got in the car and tiny said cool car and I said I know right and he said yes and we drove to my old house and I was mad and I balled my fists tight and we got to the old house and I went inside with suga and tiny and my mom and dad were sitting on the coutch and I saod really mom and dad anf they said omg you came back and I said do t act that way to mylittel brother and my dad said what and I said ok tiny go to your room and pack ok and he went to and I said you call him shithead really you really wanna say that to him and suga said bes a kid you see and my mom said oh stay out of it and I said no he will stay in it because I love him and you can't change that see he was nice to me and loyal and you are sitting nere fighting over who did this to me see mom and dad you gatta know what it feels like to be hurt and sad but I'm taking my little brother with me and my mom said you slut already in love with him and I said oh ya a slut you cjeated on dad over and over with doffrent boys so do t even try and I'm ganna be 18 so you can't even do anything and my dad slapped me a d said dont talk to us that way and suga said fucl off of my little baby and he said really baby what a little whore and I said wow hitting you kids and calling them sluts and a whore what a bad person and tiny came out with a suit case and I said we are leaving and we left to the car and drove off and I said so tiny wanna have your own room or what he said can I have my own room and I said yes you can and suga said y/n sleep in my room and I said ok and we got to suga house and I said ok tiny get by me and we walked in and there was 6 boys sitting on the coutchand I said so suga name them off for us and be said he is rm and tiny said he's a meany and suga said not no more and suga said that's him and jhope and jimin and tae and junkook and teahung said is that that kid from the house and I said yes it is and you are ganna be nice and him said I'm sorry little boy I tried to stop him and he said ok and they all said hello and I said so we cool and they all said yes and rm said sorry foe.doing that last night and I said ok but if it happens again I mite have to murk yo ass and he said ok ok and I took my little brother and said so we are ganna make your room better ok and he said ok and I oppend the door and the guards said hello little boy and I said he is ganna live here so can you watch him whene I'm gone a d they said yes and I said thanks and tiny said so wanna help me or what and I said yes I wanna help and I unpacked his stuff and took the stiff out of the closet a d the bathroom that was mine and I I put his stuff in the closet and stuff like that and I said so lets go see if foods done a d we wapked down stairs and suga was on the chair and he said come here please and I said tiny go to the table over there ok and tiny went and I went to suga and he patted on his lap and I sat on his lap and he said are you hungry and I said yes and he held the spoon up and it was rice and I ate it and he said my lil baby and I said I'm only 17 I'm not a baby and he held up a spoon again and I ate it and he ate a spoon full.of rice and he said so wanna have some more.or what and I said yes please and he gave me a spoon full and I here a click and I looked and it was a dude with a gun and I said don't move suga and he did thow and I got up slowly and I ran to the kitchen and said go and the dude was already in the kitchen amd I grabbed tiny and suga came in and tried to punch him but he got him first and I said tiny stay here with junkook ok and I slowly went to suga and the guy pointed the gun at my head and I said.please don't and he put the gun on my jaw and hit me with the gun and I hissed at the pain and I bent down to suga and said I love you and I mite die for doing this but I love you all and I jumped on the guy and I tried to choke him but he shot my thigh but I don't stop and I punched his face and. He shot my thigh the same thigh but on the left side and I fell off him and I bleed slowly and suga hugged me and tiny yelled my name and I looked at h and said do t worry


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