Jacob and Bella

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Chapter 1

"Jake.....I'm sorry" I whispered softly watching my best friend jump into the woods and leave my sight for the last time.


It's been almost two years since I last saw Jacob. Edward and I married of course letting Alice plan the entire thing...it was nice but something felt missing. We had a baby girl named Renesmee; she beautiful like her daddy considering she's part vampire but human like how I was. I still dream of Jacob to this day but have no idea where he is; his dad doesn't know and the pack won't tell me anything.

I sat on the window seat of my giant house with the rest of my family giving me the privacy I so deeply wanted. The handmade journal and pen sat in my lap while I thought of nothing but Jacob; I miss him and wish one day I would see his wolf form in the brush of the trees but every day since he left the trees remained empty as I remained hurt on the inside secretly from everyone but jasper. He never said a word about it though. The clouds covered the sky darker than usual...a storm. The rest of my family wanted to make plans for a baseball game as Alice saw the storm would be a bad one, I asked not to go disappointing little Renesmee for not seeing her first game but baseball but she nodded like everyone else.

"Bella sweetie, we're leaving" Esme said while slowly gliding into the room. I smiled and hugged her as the rest of my family including my beautiful husband with our daughter hugged me next. I told her to have fun with one last embrace and a kiss to Edward's lips. They left out the back door after a couple seconds I couldn't hear them anymore and I knew they couldn't hear me.

I ran upstairs as fast as I could into Edward and I's room scooting into the closet for a pair of jeans and a simple shirt; surprisingly I found a set that wasn't extremely expensive. A note was attached.

Chapter 2

"Bella, I'm not upset-enough-I just can't figure out why you never told me" Jake squeezed my hand pulling me back into the garage before letting go and walking a few steps away to lean against the table again.

"How exactly was I supposed to tell you Jacob when you wouldn't talk to me for two years, two years Jake? That's a hell of a long time to wait for you to at Least show yourself to me!" I said trying to hold back my irritation as if it wasn't obvious I missed him.

"I couldn't face you because I didn't want to lose the memories of the Bella I knew, Trust me Bella it hurt not to see you." He explained meeting my eyes every so often. "Bella it killed me enough when I lost you...I don't want to feel that again" He added with an expression that looked miserable and I believed it truly hurt him to hear that I chose Edward over him.

"Jake, you don't have to lose me" I walked over to him leaving a foot between us grabbing his hand intertwining our fingers. "I'm right here. I'm the same Bella just a different look on the outside." I smiled softly to him as the rain poured down outside the doorway; Jake pulled me into a hug right then like he always did when I was human-a long loving hug. We pulled away together and smiled like old times before Jake slowly let go of my hand returning to his bike.

"What did you do to the bike? The paint job looks scratchy and your fixing all the parts." I asked gracefully sitting on the small table beside him. Jake looked away and mumbled something I almost wouldn't be able to hear without my vampire hearing.

"I-I wrecked it the day we said goodbye" He mumbled softly under his breath grabbing another part putting it into the bike securely. I glanced down at him and I noticed he had an unreadable expression-something that meant I hurt Jake more than I thought myself.

Silence fell around us as I listened to Jake's calm breathing and the rain pound against the roof. I thought of how everything would be if I chose Jake instead...he was there for me when Edward left but Edward is my soul mate-my true love. Could it be possible that I doubt Edward? Or having feelings again for Jake? I shook my head at the thought hating the truth behind it wanting to scream aloud.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2010 ⏰

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