barbeque date wif sempai! hehe ;) + plot twist

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kyaaaa~ hey unnies it's me rich famous beauty korean girl! will not yet im nut famus yet :((((( sumwun liek me deserves to be rech and fams. i men liek im so smaryt cumpared to yall pesents >:3 #savage #hottie #kawaii

be jealus pls or i will delet yur forknite  account pls #clever #hacker #smartgirlplsliek

well if course i shuld be famos i had a date with sempai yall too broke to claim sempai :3 #ilovehashtags #imsoradnow

tdy i wuz liek stalking sempai i mean nut staking sempai cuz oppar wuz litrlly begging 4 me to stlk. everyone literally WANTS me i mean who wuldnt smhhhh. #popular

so i stalked i mean folowwed sempai to a krean place. kyaaaaaaaaa i just rlized sempai's abs are so big just like yanno wat ;) hmmm i wonder wat :333

sempai sitted down and strated to order fud so i sat on sempai i mean sat next to sempai #oops

sempai wuz liek eww tf u doin here

end i wuz liek im only eting fud with the luv of my lif i mean a friend. *snuggles closer*

sempai was like um tf u doin ill let u stay unly if u pay the moneh.

end i wuz liek shore end i'll pay u 1000 dollas if i can tuch ur abs

end sempai wuz liek ew tf no im nut a slat u r

me got su upset i stucc my finger in the bbq burner and whoops it got on fire :( 

at lest sempai looks bootiful wen horifyed. sempais face look so butiful illuminatyed:)))))

see im smaryt i cun use de word 'lest" my englus techer say is a hard wurd. >:3 #smayrt #savag3

sempai actually carri me to hospital yeet sempai obvslyyy lieks me duhhh #hehe #sempai #oppa

bye unnieesss ily~ :3 and kawai des neu

sempai is suuu sweet unliek my buwwy :(((((((((((((

Sempai pls luv me(!!CRINGE WARNING!!)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant