Chapter 1

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No ones pov:

Jungkook was walking in the park with his friend, Yugyeom. They were friends, yes, but he still misses Taehyung.
He went to Rome with his family to visit their relatives, that for a reason didn't like to stay in Korea, and decided to move to Italy. So he had to wait untill the next day.

He waited for almost a month now, and it's breaking him. He just has to wait untill his return, only then he'll feel better.
"What's wrong Jungkookie? You look pretty depressed" Yugyeom exclaimed while looking directly at him


A word that be never ever once said to Taehyung. Only Taehyung knew whatever was running trough his mind, because even if it was an accident, he spilled out everything that was bothering him.
He didn't have that kind of friendship with his other friends. They weren't there for him when he needed him the most. Only his bestest friend was.
"Alright, but pay attention to me! Did you hear about the kidnappings? They talked about it in the tv. They said that nine kids went missing, all of them very young, and they can't find them! I just hope that everything will return normal..." he informed his friend, trying to take it further, but Jungkook was long gone. He was spacing out, still thinking about his Taehyung...


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2019 ⏰

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