Time To Wake Up

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Steve opened his eyes and looked around. At first everything looked normal. Like a hospital room, which would make sense except the last he remembered was his plane going down over the ocean.

He listened to the radio playing and realized something was very wrong. A woman dressed as an army nurse admin came into the room. "Where am I?" He asked calmly. "You're in a recovery room in New York City." He slowly shook his head. "No, where am I really?" He asked his tone getting more deadly with each word.

Now the woman looked nervous. "I don't understand." So she wasn't going to make it easy. He slowly stood. "The game is from May 1941. I know I was there." Panic showed in her eyes now. "Now I'm gonna ask you one more time. Where am I?!" "Captain Rogers.." her voice shook.

Men dressed in black holding guns came in the room. He quickly threw two through a wall. Realizing he was on what looked like a stage he ran. He head the woman calling a code for agents over the intercom. The only agents he knew were Hydra. He took off out the door. Where the hell was he? Everything was wrong. This place was like a different planet.

He stopped after a few moments and looked around. So many bright lights and people. He didn't understand any of it! Black cars surrounded him and he heard a shout "At ease Soldier!" He quickly spun around to see who had yelled. A dark skinned man with a trench coat and an eye patch walked up to him.

"Look, sorry about the little show back there." He started. "But we thought it best to break it to you slowly." Steve was even more confused if possible. "Break what?" He just wanted an explanation. He didn't know what he was asking for.

"You've been asleep, Cap. For almost 70 years." The man looked almost remorseful. Steve looked around him. He didn't want to believe him, God how he didn't. But looking around it all made some kind of terrible sense. "You gonna be ok?" The guy asked noticing how his breathing sped up. "Ya, ya it's just...I had a date."


Edlynne watched from the tinted SUV as Uncle Nick talked to man her dad always talked about. Her biological dad: Captain Steve Rogers. Her dad sat beside her almost vibrating with happiness seeing his hero so close. "Dad! Calm down. He's just a man." Her dad gasped. "Just a man?! That's Captain America! Aren't you excited to meet your dad?" He asked incredulously.

She frowned and faced towards him. "My dad is Phil Coulson. The man that named me, raised me, and tried to give me a as normal of a life as someone like me could have." She turned back to look out the window as they loaded the Captain into another car. "That...that's just a DNA match." Phil didn't know what to say. Edy was his pride and joy. She was his daughter in every way that mattered. Her hugged her and kissed her head like he had so many times over the years.

"I'm sorry, baby. You're right. I'm getting too worked up over this. Fury wants to wait to tell him about you so how about we have a daddy/daughter date night?" She smiled at her dad "Dad I'm almost 40." She giggled. "Well you don't look a day over 21. And you're still my little girl no matter how old you get." There was the man that raised her back to himself. "I'll get us reservations at that new restaurant that opened last week." She said.

"There's no way we can get in! They must be booked solid for months." She gave him a small smile. "Aw dad, it's so cute when you forget who you're talking to." The world knew her as Edylnne Rogers a technological genius that rivaled that of Tony Stark. In fact, she and Tony had a rivalry of sorts.

In a moment of brilliance she had hacking into his home AI last night and Jarvis should be calling him Loser today. She gave it another hour at best before he realized who had done it. Another day of fun for her before he figure out how to fix it.

In fairness he had been ask for it when he had sent fake stock reports to her company. The CFO of her company had called her in hysterics thinking the company was crashing. It took her a full day and a an in office psychologist to calm everyone down and get them back to work.

Two hours later as she was having dinner with her dad her phone buzzed. Seems she had given Tony too much credit. She apologized to her dad and looked at the message. That's weak, Rodgers. You can do better than that.

Game on, Stark. Her dad sighed. "What did you two do now?" He asked in a long suffering tone. Her innocent face must be failing her because he simply raised his eyebrow and waited for an answer. "Tony started it! He shut down my production for the day." He nodded "And? I know you didn't let that go." She could feel the evil smile spread on her face.

"Not much. I just hacked his home AI to call him a Loser." Phil had to smile at that. She knew how much it would get to Stark to have his personally built AI hacked. She was not only a genius but a devious one. He really should be used to this. Edy and Stark had been dancing around each other for years. A game of one ups and taunts.

They weren't ready to admit their feelings and that was fine. He was in no hurry to have Stark as a son-in-law. He remembered what his daughter was like when Stark had gone missing though. She had been a shell. No one challenged her, she spent her days on paperwork and teaching. None of it really seeming to make her happy.

When they had found him she had gone to the airport with Pepper Potts and said it was to see if her competition was really back. She had sat through the press conference where he had disbanded his weapons manufacturing. Had sat beside him and eaten a cheeseburger.

The only time they had worked together was for the arch reactor in Tony's chest. They worked together to upgrade his model and get him off the prototype. He knew she was 'secretly' working on the next version of the chest piece. He hadn't told her that he was supposed to recruit Stark for the initiative yet.

He wondered what Cap would think of all this.

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