It's A Girl!

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A few days later Edy got a message from Uncle Nick. They were going to tell Steve about her today. They asked her to come in so he could meet her after they explained.

Without realizing it the first thing she did was call Tony. "What is it, Edy?" He asked seriously knowing she only called when something was wrong. If she just wanted to talk she would hack his computer or send him a message. He wouldn't admit that his heart skipped when he saw her name on his caller ID.

"Are you in New York?" She asked simply. "Ya, I'm putting the finishing touches on Stark Tower." She laughed "Only you're huge ego would make that huge eyesore." She was laughing so he was hopeful it wasn't too bad. "Can you meet me at my place?" She asked quietly. If anyone would understand her problem if would be him.

"I'll be there in 3." He said cutting the line and calling his suit. Exactly 3 minutes later she heard him landing on her patio.

He quickly stepped out of the suit and typed in the passcode opening the bulletproof glass door

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He quickly stepped out of the suit and typed in the passcode opening the bulletproof glass door. You could never be too careful in their lives.

He found her drinking whiskey on the couch. "Wow, Rogers. Becoming me more every day. Sitting and drinking hard liquor at 10 am." She silently flipped him off and looked into the glass. "Well it must be bad if you don't take the chance to make fun of me." He said pouring himself a drink to get through this.

He sat in the table in front of her. He took a belt to steel himself. "Alright, hit me with it." She looked up at him. "Did I ever tell you I was adopted?" She asked. He was shocked "Well that seems random but no I don't think you have. I always just assumed you took your moms name." She nodded "Ya, I guess it's somewhat of a secret. Maybe you would be shocked to hear I was an experiment. Maybe you wouldn't." She shrugged taking another drink.

"What the hell are you talking about?" He asked sitting down his drink. "Ya, I'm one of the original laboratory babies." She said bitterly. "You mean like IVF?" He asked still trying to compute what she was telling him. He hated the bitter laugh that came from her. "Sure, I guess you could call it that. A Nazi faction found my biological dad's DNA and used a child prodigy, poor girl was barely out of her teens. They forced me on her, then they killed her."

Tony's mind was reeling. This was not what he was expecting. How could such a kind, giving woman be born from that. "Then how..." she smiled "My dad. He's an agent for a homeland task force. He and Uncle Nick found me when they flushed out the lab. He kept me. He raised me. He loves me."

Tony was missing something. "What's bringing this all on?" He asked quietly. "Oh, I didn't mention that did I? They want me to meet him hour." She said looking at the clock. "Who is he?" She stood up to refill her drink. She stopped at the liquor cart and looked at Tony. "Captain fucking America." Tony covered his mouth in disbelief.

He had known this woman for many years, how could he not know this?! As he looked at the woman who was roughly his age but didn't look like she had aged a day he admired it made sense. He tried to lighten the mood with a bit of humor. "Well let me welcome you to the elite dead beat father club."

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