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Oh no. Moto moto look you !
Oh god. He has airpods in ! He cant hear us omg!
I woke up ina cold sweat that was a terrible dreem. Moto oto my wove was cruusheied by a boulder and not my love. I got out of bed and got dressed in my sexy lesbian clothes.
I levitate to the kitchen with my lesbian powers. My eyes were glowing blue with lesbian rage. "WAFFLES" i screamed. The oven impregnitated itself with the waffles.
I turn on some sweet sweet sweet sweet nickel back and await for my waffles. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, can't wait to pop tho suckes in my face hole" i screeched into the fridge.
The fridge moaned in reply. "Ellen. Fuckkkkkkk"
I mounted the done waffles onto my peppa pig plate.
"I cant wait to eat you out" i flirted with my plate. God shes so sexy. I moan as i eat her sexy waffles. Then a knock came to the door. I rolled my lesbian eyes and levitate to the door. I open my lesbian flag coloured door and i see the sexiest thickest man. Oh fuck. I think im striaght. I slam the door closed and run up to my lesbian wife. "Get out. I want a divorce."

Ellen The Generous x Moto MotoWhere stories live. Discover now