The Princess

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The Princess

I knew I hated the attention. I knew that inside of me, I wish that everything would be normal. That I could lead my life as a normal teenage girl. That I could go off to school. I could walk through town without being reconfigured. But that would never happen, it was physically impossible to be ignored as a princess.

I walked towards the window. It was decorated with a gold outline and light blue tiles. I opened the window and was blasted with a magnificent view of the town. This was the best view of the town since it was impossible to look over the wall. The wall that held my dreams of escaping. That five-inch-thick layer of bricks was what held me from my well-deserved freedom. All my dreams where more likely to escape me before I escape from here.

I knew that even if I could leave, the guards would find me. It wasn't a lot I wanted. But really so much. I wanted to find love in a natural way. Not made to marry the prince next town. It is so common here for a princess to marry nobles. Isn't that why the holy roman empire exists.

I kept going on and on about the life I so aspired to have. But I came to notice mumbling and slight moving sounds coming from the wardrobe. And then suddenly, plow, the complete structure came falling down.

"I'm sorry Ms. They told me to listen for any schemes you had to escape after the... the incident" said a twenty-year-old age maiden dressed in a nun's outfit. Her outfit was messy and dirty with dust as if she had been in there for an extended period of time. Her red hair escaped the vail that she had put on.

"That was two years ago, Hildegard, and in my defense, it was a very boring, and it is not like if I was to escape," I said with an angry tone, frowning upon the idea that my father had put spies on me.

My face began to fell red. I noticed that my temperature had risen traumatically.

"Where in the name of the Holy Spirit is my father." I furiously stated with a very loud and aggressive tone.

"I don't know your highness." Said the other maiden who had accompanied Hildegard in this filthy despicable mission.

"You know how your father is sometimes, he can be a little overprotective in occasions." Hildegard took a long pause after that. She looked as if she wanted to state something, but was stopped by her fear and my intimidation.

"He's at the throne room mingling with ladies, mam." She quickly blurted out as she shut suddenly.

I knew that my dear old father had stepped far too much into the water and now he was about to drown. This was a declaration of war with my freedom. He may have won the battle, but he was about to lose the war.

I furiously walked across the hallways through the castle. I would normally admire the portraits of the many generations of people in my family. But I was far too angry to admire the paintings. I wanted to scream, shout, and kick someone. It isn't fair that my own father does not trust me. I wanted freedom. A little independence. But it was impossible for someone like me. But it is extreme to have spied for your own children.

I was sick of this. Sick of this superstition of being poisoned or killed. I couldn't handle anymore. I was seriously thinking of renouncing my title if it meant I could have some peace and tranquility for myself. But now, I needed to deal with this, myself.

I opened the tall and wide oak doors to the throne room, and sure enough, my father was mingling with the noble whores of the town.

"You imbecile, how dare you put spies to look at my every move. I can see the trust you have over me." I shouted as I trotted across the elongated room.

"Oh Georgina, how many times do I have to tell you that you must be protected at all times." My father said.

"From what father, my freedom. My ability to go to the outside world. Or even your whore of a wife." I stated.

"You take that back, you respect your stepmother." He quickly started growing an angry expression across his face.

"Maybe I will take it back when you start respecting me as an independent woman. Maybe you should respect me.

There was silence for a few seconds. But it was broken once a roar of laughter arose. My father and stepmother couldn't contain themselves. They were laughing as hard as they could.

That was the moment where it hit me. I wanted nothing to do with these people. The moment where I knew I would escape.

I walked back to my room enraged by the horrible conversation I led with my dad. It was completely bonkers how little respect they had for me. I knew that if I stayed here, I would always be composed of rage.

I entered my room and tears started to fill my eyes. I couldn't believe that no one respects me.

I started stuffing a small box with as many clothes as I could. After I was done pilling my luggage with clothes I made sure to put my priced positions. 

I was to leave forever and never come back to this hell hole.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2019 ⏰

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