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🌂 🌂 🌂UNEDITED🌂 🌂 🌂

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OSCAR'S EYES WONDERED AROUND THE STREETS; he hadn't at all thought his plan through.
A fourteen year old alone on the streets at night? He was sure to be eaten alive. Of course he had his powers, but realistically, he didn't see how super speed would help if someone unexpectedly grabbed him.

He wrapped his arms around himself, cursing his so called father for only allowing the children to wear uniform that wasn't made for the chilly air of the night. Goosebumps formed on Oscar's legs, the shorts exposing his lower knee and shins to the harsh weather, it could only get worse with rain. Eventually, it did.
Desperate times called for desperate measures but Oscar wasn't sure how fond of his plan he was. He stared at the shop in front of him and licked his lips nervously, slowly, he placed his hands on the glass door. Maybe he should think from a different perspective, if the shop owners didn't want to be robbed, maybe they should've gotten better security! His hands started to vibrate, eventually breaking this glass, he cringed quietly as he stepped through the doorframe and over the broken glass; anything he thought would fit him, he took. Never thinking straight, he left his uniform in the shop- it's not like he would be needing it anymore- and soon took his leave.

For the first time, he took a proper look around, Reginald had never let the children leave the house outside of missions and that kind of restraint just didn't work for Oscar. He had too much energy just to be pent up inside all day, he had explored the house too many times to not get bored and upon is most resent discover he decided perhaps adventure wasn't the best.
Reginald hardly left his office and Oscar has never explored it, however, earlier he finally did. At first he sat in the chair cockily, knowing how much his father would hate this advancement but soon after, he got bored. He read the journals Reginald kept and suddenly wished he hadn't, what they say might just be true: curiosity killed the cat but this time, satisfaction did not bring it back.


It didn't take long to find somewhere to stay, two days was all Oscar needed.
He had found advertisements for caravan parks in the newspapers and with his powers it didn't take long to arrive. The other articles however, Oscar couldn't help but grimace.

In their most recent mission, the umbrella academy excelled, but what happened to their star speeder. First the disappearance of number five and now number zero, is it a pattern?
Reginald Hargreeves refuses to speak on the matter.

Of course he felt bad, but that house was hell! Siblings constantly put against each other to complete for a man who didn't show any affection, Oscar just couldn't live with it, would you?

Buying the caravan was difficult, he had to go to a local library and use a computer to buy it anonymous. Once he actually arrived he was constantly making excuses.
'My dad asked me to pick up the keys at work'
'Here's the rent; I was told to give it to you whilst my parents are away on business.'
Soon the land lady became suspicious of the child, but she never asked anything, it wasn't her place.

As Oscar grew, finding money became more sparse and he quickly became a kleptomaniac of sorts and he would outwardly admitted it. Clearly it wasn't his best trait but he didn't have much else, he was an ex-umbrella kid and from what he had seen from the others, they weren't doing too hot either.
From time to time, he would consider trying to get back into contact with some of them, but he could never bring himself to do it. Some tasks just had to be left undone.

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sorry that this chapter is short, I just wanted to kind of dive into some Oscar lore ?? There'll be more detail of him running away at a later date, but for now, I'd like to keep it simple.
To clarify, this IS NOT a romantic story, Oscar will not fall for any of the hargreeves kids because he is one of them, this is simply a platonic sibling story!

— Christopher 💫

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Mar 19, 2019 ⏰

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