Ch.5 : Angel with Broken Wings

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Adam POV

I was feeling a great pain in all of my body, also I was unable to move any part my body, just like paralysed. I felt a warm hand caressing my hair, then I heard someone whispering in my ear " You will be fine. I promise, I will do right by you" I recognised that this voice was James voice but I didn't Open my eyes.

then I heard him talking to someone and saying " We will be back after sunset, don't worry, you will be fine, Bria will come back after few hours so you won't be alone with him" 

"What if he wake up before Bria comes? What do I do then?" someone said. "Try to talk to him, he is a very nice person." James said "he won't hurt you, he is not a monster like your grandfather said ..........."

then he added "Do not worry, you will be fine....... he will not be able to move for a while if this will makes you feel safer".

I could not hear any more. I was exhausted and very tired,so I fell a sleep.

When I woke up, the sun filled the room with it bright light. Usually I woke up in a dark dungeon, this is the first time I woke up on the sunlight.

I expected that we were still in the same cottage But I am in another room, I was lying on a wooden bed and the mattress and the blanket were very soft. I was in a room where there was not much, the bed I was lying on, a couch on my right, a small circle wooden table with two chairs in front of the bed. but this small room was really bright from the two large windows in it. I tried to sit down but I couldn't, I still can not move any part of my body. I can't remember what happened exactly last night but I remembered that I screamed at the top of my lungs because of a very horrific pain.

a flashback crossed my mind, when I was crying and I begged James to stop my pain, and he said ( I will, I promise ), this was the last thing I remembered. I felt ashamed.....I was pathetic. 

I looked around me again, I thought that if I was in the Villa, I would be in a dark dungeon but I would have Cas by my side, I hope he is Okay, I suppose to be there for him but I have failed him.

I felt sad for what was going on. I was useless unable to move, I was alone. I did not know what happened to my only friend. Then I remembered Martha and what she said about my mother so I felt another horrific pain but this time just in my heart so tears began to fall from my eyes. 

At that inappropriate moment and during my crying like a little girl, the door was opened, and quietly a very beautiful blonde girl entered the room, she was Barefoot and she was walking on the tip of her toes. he was dressing like Bria but her dress was not white, it was dark grey. she was carrying a jar. she didn't look at me, she was very focusing on not making any kind of noise.

she put the jar quietly on the table, then she turned and looked at me with her Light blue eyes. she sighed immediately. she looked upset that I was awake. she must be the person who was afraid of me but in one second her expressions turned to sadness.

 she must be the person who was afraid of me but in one second her expressions turned to sadness

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