Why Am I Here? - Omala

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    I laid down on my makeshift cot and stared at the sky sulking about the way things turned out. I didnt want to be here. I just wanted to stay on my home planet...I heard Krikos take out a red ball from his pocket and started bouncing it near my head. I turned to look at him and glared, "Can you stop please?"

He smirked, "Why is it annoying you?"

I responded, "No not at all please carry on."

He said, "Oh good!"

I stared at him blankly, "Sarcasm."

He replied quickly, "Lameee."

I simple replied with a smile, "Butt."

  He continued bouncing his ball much to my annoyance so I just ignored him. I sat up and took the dumplings and water that Ria had given me. I ate quickly ignoring the provoking actions Krikos sent my way. He kept smirking and bouncing his ball while he ate. I finished my meal and laid down and watched the trees. Tears rolled down my cheek as I realized I might never see my home again. My mother didn't even try to stop him. Didn't she realize how easily it would be to die here? Sure there are no zombies now but there will be soon. They probably even know we're here, was my last thought as I drifted off to a restless sleep. 

   I woke up to an unfamiliar voice shouting, "Wake up! Zombies are here! If you value your life get up!" 

  I shot up in my cot to look around the camp like a startled stag. People were creeping into our camp, their eyes were blood shot, their skin was a ghostly white, their clothes were in rags, blood was caked across their skin. My feet froze in place, I couldn't even move to form an earth pyramid to block us off from the zombies. My voice wouldn't even work. All that ran through my mind was; I'm going to die here among strangers on another planet. As I became surrounded by zombies I was aware of water  encircling me. I heard Krikos' voice insulting me, "Wow, you cant even take down four zombies? How are you going to terminate them off the planet? I knew you guys would slow me down." 

   I couldnt even speak to answer him. He simply sighed and snapped the water back so it encased the zombies abdomen and legs. Then he froze the water so they couldn't move. Krikos slipped between them ignoring them reaching their arms towards him. He grabbed my upper arm and dragged me out of the inner circle of zombies. Krikos shoved me behind him and started freezing the zombies that came towards us. I glanced over to see how Ria and the newly arrived Zaironian were doing. Ria was lashing out at all the zombies she noticed. She shot out a firewall and the Zaironian noticed this so used his wind element and caused the fire to start heading towards the steadily approaching line of zombies coming from the south. Ria started taking lightning shots on the zombies within our camp. The wind guy created a swirling wind vortex over the zombies to the north. Krikos created a flood towards the east and the zombies were swept off the cliff that was very convient there. I glanced towards the west and summoned enough bravery to start moving again. I slammed the palms of my hand onto the ground and a large chasm seperated our camp from the western zombies. Krikos snickered, "It's about time you started helping."

      I smiled, "Well you said I was getting in your way."

      His only reply was, "Yeah yeah."

   I stamped my foot on the ground and a small hole split the ground to an underground lake. Krikos began summoning the water out of the hole and froze the rest of the zombies in the camp. Ria shouted, "Hey Anise would you please create a rock wall to seperate us from them on all sides? The fire wall and wind vortex will only last for so long."

    The Zaironian snapped, "I can keep up the wind vortex for a while."

    She snapped back fiercely, "Aaron, now isnt the time for selfish pride. These are our lives! I can not keep up the fire wall forever."

  As he stared at her takenaback I summoned my strength and made the rock from the ground shoot up on all sides. We were safe for now, but for how long. We all glanced at each other tired, and strained from the battle.  The rock walls wouldn't last forever, about a day at most, but it would last longer then the vortex and firewall. Ria lit a larger fire and put sturdy wooden branches near it for torches. Luckily an older tree had been enclosed with us, so it was a simple matter of collecting two dead branches. We had protected the cots, old fire (which somehow went out during the middle of the battle, probably with Krikos water/freezing), and Ria's bike. 

   I stared up through the open roof at the stars. I almost died tonight if it hadn't been for Krikos, and the others. I turned my head and watched Krikos stumble over to his cot and then check his pockets. He mumbled, "Where's my ball....I lost my ball...." 

  He must have dropped it during the fight. I glanced around, I spotted it hidden in a small bush. I started towards the plant and winced at the pain in my ankle. Must have sprained it...I stumbled over to the bush and grabbed it. I limped back over to my cot and tossed it towards him. Krikos caught it with surprising agility. I murmured, "Thank you for saving me."

He replied as he laid down on his cot, "Yeah well thank you for finding my ball. I could've found it later, but thank you."

  I fell down on my cot and let sleep take control.

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