7 - Smile [Eng]

803 32 3

Genre: Fluffy..ish

It had been a horrible day.
Dean and Sam had taken Jack on a hunt with them and the kid almost messed up the whole thing. It was tiring for Dean, but he had already learned that yelling at Jack wouldn't help much, actually it would just worsen things.

"Ugh, finally", Dean exclaimed as soon as they entered the bunker. He dropped everything and immediately sprinted off to the kitchen to get himself some well-deserved pie, but Jack followed up to him. The boy shyly stood some feet behind him, not looking up from his feet when he started talking. "I'm sorry Dean. I promise next time I'll be better."
Dean let out a deep sigh and turned around, away from the fridge. "Just don't talk to me right now, okay? Just go.. play with Sam or something, but leave me alone for now. I really gotta calm down first. And I gotta do this alone, with my pie. I'm starving." He had a serious look on his face, his hair was still messy from the hunt.
Without another word Jack left, so Dean could be on his own, and fleed to search for Sam. He didn't want to make Dean any more angry, that was never a good idea.
Dean turned back around and had his whole focus on the pie again. He took it out of the fridge and searched the drawer for a fork. As he did he noticed someone behind him again. With an eye-roll he began: "Jack, I meant what I said. Please just leave me-" He turned around and stopped when he saw that it wasn't Jack who had appeared behind him again. It was Cas.

"Oh, hey Cas."
"Hello, Dean."

Dean took the fork and wandered off with his pie, followed by the Angel. He ended up in the living room and sat down on the couch. Sam probably was at the library by now and Jack must have followed him because of what Dean said. So it was only Cas and Dean.

Cas sat down next to him and scanned his body. Dean's clothes were muddy and partly ripped, but at least he had no wounds or any other worrying things on him. It was relieving, because that meant he was only grumpy because things haven't been working out like he wanted them to. He felt a small smile forming on his lips. After a few seconds, Dean caught his stare and rolled his eyes again.

"Don't do it. You better not do it, you hear me? I'm not in the mood right now, okay?"

As soon as Castiel heard those words he couldn't help but smile brighter. He knew the Winchester, he wasn't good at showing people how much he enjoyed their company. His smile turned into a grin, and that's when it was over for Dean.

The pie-obsessed guy couldn't keep it in any longer. He couldn't keep his facade up. He sighed, loosened his muscles, and started to smile himself. Happiness and a great calmness were flowing right through him, he just couldn't help it. While shaking his head softly he grabbed his pie again and started to eat it, so that he didn't have to keep his eyes on Cas.

"You know it always works, don't ya? I just can't stay angry at anything when you smile at me like this", he broke the short silence and pointed at him with his fork. His mouth was filled with apple pie now, but the small smile still hadn't left his face.

Cas giggled softly, knowing that he had achieved his goal. His work was done here. The angel stood up and made himself ready to vanish again.

"Goodnight, Dean."

"Goodnight, Cas."


Another one in English.
As always, tell me if you find a mistake.

Have a good one :)

Destiel Oneshots (Ger/Eng)Where stories live. Discover now