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"I must be at the wrong apartment, I've got somewhere else to be. K, bye!" (Y/N) quickly states, thrashing around to leave through Amber's arms and fails.

When I turned around, I was immediately pulled back by Rosé, who had a hold of my arm. "She hasn't been to a party in awhile, that's all. Shall we?"

I glared at Rosé as Taemin moved aside to let us in. I really didn't want to play an embarrassing game that involved 'your partner' doing whatever they wanted for seven minutes.

Especially with these dweebs. I sat aside as I watched my friends get drunk along with everyone else. Laughing about the silliest things that never made sense and lightly hitting each other every once in a while.

Lisa let out a small hiccup before she spoke, "You know, *hiccup*...we haven't started our game yet." My eyes widened and went towards Lisa's direction.

I waved my hand underneath my chin to give the 'stop' sign but of course, she was drunk and had no clue on what the hell I was saying.

Taemin looked at me and scoffed before taking one last sip of soda. "Lisa's right! Shall we begin? (Y/N), just play one round with us. I don't bite."

I gulped as Taemin gave a slight smirk and slowly made my way to the circle of people on the floor. "(Y/N), you should be the one to spin," Jisoo said with her beer in her hands.

I spun the empty glass beverage as Jennie clapped her hands lightly with excitement while we watched the bottle go in circles. I hid my hands behind my back and crossed my fingers hoping that Taemin wouldn't be my 'partner'.

I didn't dare look at the floor as I didn't want to know who the bottle had landed on. My eyes had been shut by my hands as I heard footsteps walking away.

"(Y/N), open your eyes. You're not going to die." Jonghyun's hands had pulled mine away from my face and forcefully turned my head to look at the door.

"Heaven ain't gonna start itself, ya know. Neither is the seven minutes." I let out a heavy sigh as Taemin held out his hand towards the door with an evil smirk on his face.

I slowly made my way towards the door until I felt a hard push against my back. I turned around to see that Onew and Jennie had pushed me into the empty closet.

Before Taemin stepped inside, Jennie whispered something into his ear. I feared for my life as Taemin pierced my soul with his deathly stare. If looks could kill, I would've been gone a long time ago.

Onew and Taemin high fived each other before Taemin said, "Thanks," and stepped in and locked the door. I gulped as he turned his back to the door.

I tried to make small talk before anything happened. "Taemin, you know I've never kissed anyone right?" Taemin slowly walked towards me as my back hit the wall behind me. This is probably the first time that I've ever felt this embarrassed in my life.

As I looked up to meet his hungry eyes, Taemin placed his left hand against the wall. "Don't worry, I'm experienced." I gulped even harder as hearing him say he was 'experienced' was something I shouldn't know about.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"(Y/N), a make out session will not kill you. Just go with it."

I felt Taemin's body heat as he leaned in. I started breathing heavily as his face got closer and closer each second. Right before his lips touched mine, he whispered. "It's okay, just breathe." And that's what made me more nervous.

As his lips molded with mine, I closed my eyes and slowly placed my hands on his shoulders. The kiss got deeper as he gently held my head to the side.

It felt wrong, but I couldn't do anything to stop him from kissing me. It wasn't until I realised that I pushed Taemin off of me and caught my breath as we stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds.

I felt uncomfortable as everything felt like it was being rushed. Way too quickly. I walked out of the closet and headed straight for the front door. As much as I wanted to escape, the door wouldn't budge.

"Taemin, please let me out."

"Apparently, everyone wants you in."

I turned around to where I could talk to Taemin face to face. I kept my head hung low so the light wouldn't shine on my face as it would show my embarrassment.

"What do you mean everyone wants me in?"

"The guys are trying to get us together, (Y/N)."

WANT | Lee Taemin *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now