starting out

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Hey guys I'm glad your ready my weight loss diary. This is to inspire you to get fit and help me not give up because I think we all know it's hard to stay with exercising. To begin with my daily diet, I wake up around 6:30-7:00am. I don't eat breakfast since it can give me a stomach in the morning which is mostly because I have a sensitive stomach. I have a small lunch and I usually get home from school around 3:40. I eat dinner around 10-20 minutes later. I always eat a lot after dinner because I have recently quit my sports and I have gained some weight. This is why I'm doings this. Also I usually drink about 30oz of water during school and don't drink much when I get home. I'm also trying to drink more.

My current weight is 104lb and height is 5,4 1/2 I'm 13 years old. I know I don't weigh a lot but I have a very skinny build so all my extra fat/weight goes straight to my stomach instead of my arms or legs. I want to get a nice body for when summer rolls around. I hope you enjoy this and I want to know your motivation techniques so comment.

Another thing I've learned is to look at people with the body you want to feel more motivated so I'll add photos of who I want to look like :)

my 2019 weight loss diaryWhere stories live. Discover now