Chapter 3

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her pjs

Btw forgot to mention they have known each other since y/n was 4 and he was 6
And they live next store to each other

                         Aidan pov
I walk over to y/ns pov it's around 6:45pm  and knock her mom comes out and says hello Aidan do you want to play with little y/n? Yes ma'am I would love to! Ok but I'm about to leave can you please watch her she hurt herself by falling and ya know I'm worried I'll be gone for till 10pm I will pay you 20 ~dollars~ I try my best not to show how excited I am about spending time with y/n So I say Yes ma'am then she's tells me good bye and to have her in bed by 9pm she tells y/n what's going on the s leaves me with y/n

I gently take her hand and ask her if she wants to watch tv she smiles her bright smile and says yes p please "gasp" CAN WE WATCH TOO CUTE! (Baby animal show) I tell her yes and she jumps up and down she snuggles into my side and we watch it till it's 8:00 I hear her soft voice say "Hey Aidan?" Yes y/n! "I need to take a bath tonight can you help me-" YES (he's smiling a bright smile his face a tomato color) "Pick out my pjs and read me story" Oh uh sure y/n I say slightly disappointed. "Hey Aidan" she asks again? Yes y/n? "help pick out my pjs before I take a shower ok?" O ok I say blushing even brighter I go through her clothes and find a unicorn pj set I give her that and a big fluffy unicorn towel (the ones that go on you like a Blanket but with a good) she takes a shower and I get her bed ready I get her soft covers pulled back and
fluff her pillows Get a glass of water with ice and put it on the night stand i lean to the wall that I "accidentally made a tiny hole in" and peek when i relize she's done I wait for her to come out the time is 9:02 and when she's dose her hair is all tangled but clean. Y/n did you brush your teeth? Y "yesssss?!?" I frown when she lies I know she's joking and knows I know but it's still hurts she lied to me! Y/n (sigh) go brush your teeth! She
runs to the bathroom I can smell her minty mouth i now know she did I pick her up over my head and sit her on a stool. y/n I'm going to brush your hair ok? "No I can do it I'm old enough!" B but y/n pleaseeeeeeeeee?!??!?

Y/ns pov
"But y/n pleaseeeeeeeee? I never get to do it anymore!!" fine I say he sits me down and brushes my hair tugging gently I close my eyes


Aidan's pov

I brush her soft locks when I notice she's alseep I pick her up bridle style and lay her down on her bed and tuck her in. I watch her sleep when my watch beeps it's 9:55 I walk downstairs and sit on the couch waiting for the mom to come in she comes home then I walk to my house and fall asleep

I'm the writer and just so you know the next chapter is coming up :D

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