Murderer AU Scene pt.2

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~next day~

The trio waked up really early, so that they can put motion detectors at the spot where they'll meet.
After that they were off to school, with a familiar set of faces. Three faces.
Each one of them has a suitor. Rayn is courting Aleks, Kurt is trying to impress Ren and Riku is trying his best with Sakura. I wonder what they would do if they found out their secret?
As usual each one of them handed gifts. Rayn's a blue carnation, Riku handed a necklace and Ren already gave out her flowers. Leaving Kurt surprised.

When they arrived at the shool gate the boys left. They all went to the library which is empty at this moment.
Each of the brought out their cellphones. The looked at the app installed disguised as a random social app.
"I'll keep track of them from 1st to 4th period." Sakura said.
"I'll be the one who'll track them to the last period." Aleks said as she raised her hand.
"Yay! I'll have no-"
"You'll be the fake dealer." As Sakura said that Ren frove mid-way from getting her hands in the air.
"Hmph...Fine!" Ren pouted and death glared at Sakura who just giggled.

~4 hours later~
It was their free time for lunch.
They decided to hang out at the rooftop.
The door bursts open revealing the 3 boys
"Oh boy..."

~hours later~
Aleks wore a beret with the tongue of a normal hat. (I wish I had a beret like that:()
Ren wore a hood with cat ears while Sakura has a normal hood.
Ren was leaning against the wall of the club and Aleks and Sakura are sitting at the rooftop looking down at her.
"Ren...they're coming!" Sakura said through the cot in their ears.
"Hey! Are you the dealer?" Violette asked.
Ren pulled out her right hand motioning the girl to give her the money while her left hand is at the back with a gun in hand.
"Alright, alright" Rose handed 50,000 dollars.
Surprisingly, even for the girls, a gun was pointed at the back of the head of Mary, Violette and Rose.
Aleks immediately recognized the people holding the guns.
"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE!?" Aleks asked as the 3 guys pulled back their hood.
It was Rayn, Kurt and Riku.

Inspired by this vid ;)

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