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"Minds are like flowers, they only open when the time is right."

{Stephen Richards}

Dean stood there, with a scared look on his face, staring at my slightly chubby face. Sam squeezed his shoulder softly, then took a step forward to stand next to his brother, allowing his hand to fall back to his side. He was real tall with a muscular frame and long wavy hair down to his shoulders. At least I know where I got the wavy hair from. Dean stood there quietly for a few more moments before mumbling something about getting some food to eat. The car ride was increasingly awkward the longer we drove. I felt like I was gulping for air when I finally stepped out of the car and onto the pavement of the rundown diner's parking lot. Sam and Dean sat on one side of the brightly colored booth and I sat on the other. I gulped thickly, wanting badly for the awkward to go away, but Dean wasn't helping. And awkward isn't a fog that can be easily be sucked up with a vacuum, awkward is a pot of juices and im a vegetable forced to stew. They both stared at me silently while waiting on the waitress. A curious and worried stare from Sam and an staring off into space stare from Dean.

"Alex-" Sam started but I cut him off.

"My names not Alex. I lied" I sighed out. Leaning my head against the window. "It's actually ironically Hunter." I mumbled.

"Well...Hunter-" Sam was cut off once again by the sound of wings fluttering. My head shot up, and I felt a cool breeze come from next to me.

" Jesus Christ" I yelped. I turned to my left and saw that there was now a man with dark hair in a trench coat sitting next to me. I shrank against the window more. Catching my breath "Uhhh..." The trench coated man stared at me with and emotionless face and the most beautiful blue eyes I'd ever seen. Dean seemed to perk up when he appeared, an actual smile spreading on his face.

"No actually," He said seriously, "My name is Castiel." Was this guy for real?

"Ale- Hunter, it's OK. This is Castiel. He's an angel." Sam said leaning forward, but I couldn't take my eyes off the guy. I muttered 'you got that right' under my breath, so low that not even Sam could hear it. Cas turned to Dean and nodded his head.

"He seems to be yours." He stated to Dean. I glared angrily at Dean, who then shifted uncomfortably in the red booth. Was my word not good enough for him? Was the fact that a demon said so not good enough? I was starting to not like this guy more and more as time went on. I was so infuriated that he didn't trust me, so angry, that my leg started to hop up in down, nervous energy fueling every part of my body. I gripped my leg in an attempt to make the in voluntary motion cease.

Cas kept giving Dean this look... The look... The look a puppy gives its owner when they get home... The I love you look. Dean seemed to be acknowledging it because he reciprocated the same look back. Our waitress came up and broke the silence, placing Dean and Sam's plates on the table, (I didn't want anything) and walking away, her thick blonde pony tail bouncing as she left.

"Hunter we need some answers." Sam said with a calm look, ignoring his salad. I liked him he was a gentle giant. While Dean sat beside him burying his sorrows in a bacon cheese burger with extra onions and a side of fries and raspberry pie. "What did that demon mean by 'you know why'?" Great he'd caught that too. A word caught up in my throat and I swallowed it again. I felt an ashamed feeling wash over me once again. I felt disgusting, unclean, in pure, un worthy. I wanted to die. I wanted to cry.

"I uhh- I uhh- I," I started to choke on my own air. "I uh can move stuff." Sam started to tap his fingers on the red linoleum table and Dean carefully set down his burger. Anxiety piled up on top of me and I wanted to shrink up on my self. To shrivel up. To collapse on my self and die.

"Like what stuff?" Dean asked, his eye brows raised slightly, it was barely noticeable but I noticed it. I felt the words catch in my throat, again. I was never good at telling people personal information, I would always choke on words as if there was something evil grasping my throat from the inside. I was so ashamed that I couldn't even speak aloud. Even to people I didn't know.

"Like uhhh..." By this point they had to think I was some sort of blubbering idiot. But I stuttered when I was scared, trying to find the correct words to say. I knew something simple and short and sweet would be best, but I would have to say it straight out if I did that. Oh well. "Like uhhh...." I stumbled again, looking down at my hand, picking at a scab. I'd been in situations like this before, just not this intense. How did my life get this bad? There I was in the middle of a shabby diner, in the middle of no where, in the middle of the night, picking a scab. "With my mind." I muttered almost in audible. Dean leaned a bit over the red table turning an ear to me.

"Excuse me... With your what?" He questioned, almost angrily. Oh god. Please Oh god no. I felt like a small child preparing for a scolding. I squirmed as far back into the booth as possible, sucking in a deep breath of air.

"With my mind." I stated plainly, trying to mask the pain and fear. I wanted to shrink up on myself, to turn into a ball. All three sets of eyes were on me and there was no escape. I could feel the anger radiating off of Dean and the pity off of Sam. "It's not like I use it!" I piped up, searching their eyes for something, any thing. "Only once in a while! Just to pry open atms and stuff if I need some quick cash!" But i knew what they had to be thinking. Monster. Disgusting. Freak. Animal. I felt an uncomfortable feeling start to drown me and an intensifying urge to cry out began to scratch at my brain. I didn't chose to be like this. I didn't want to become one of the monsters that I hunt, and as crazy as that sounds it's what I wanted. If only I could tell them that. If only they'd understand.

"How." It was that one simple word from Sam that made me want to explode, and to bring everything down with me. But I kept my calm.

"I-I don't know." I folded my hands into my lap and dug my nails into my flesh, trying to keep my cool. Little prickles of blood pooled up from my skin and around my bitten fingernails. "I wish I did, but I don't know." I sighed. I couldn't bear to look at them so I looked at the way my hands were folded in my lap, studying every crack and fold in the pale skin. Dean and Sam got up out of the booth and went out side, leaving me with Cas who just stared at me, cocking his head to the side with a curious look, almost like a parrot would. "So you're name's Castiel, right?" I mumbled trying to start a conversation.

"Yes." He nodded. Then looked blankly past me and out the window. "I'm an angel of the lord." Ok. So he was a little off. He cocked his head a little more and turned to me a bit more too. "And what are you?"

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