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Full name: (Y/n) (M/N) (L/N)

Your quirk: Nuclear explosion

Your hero name: Clear-explosion [hero name] / Villain name: Nuclear Destruction.

Bio: You were the daughter of a very Famous villain, You were age 6 when you got your quirk, You're father was a Alcoholic that tended to abuse you and your mother, Your mother passed away 10 years ago and you're current age is 14, You're signing up for UA, But You're father tried to talk you out of it- And it worked due to you no taking no for an answer, Your forcefully Pushing yourself to be a villain by an unwanted will... You need help..



Muscular=Masukyurā [Father Alive]
Mother [Deceased, Unknown]

Information about your quirk:
Positive sides of the quirk:

When tend to get angry You will tend to Explode 30 buildings in only close range-

When launched from Froppy, You can get a nice close range to explode 30 villains at most-

When working with a pro hero You tend to help them in side missions.

Negative Sides Of the quirk:

If failed on aiming a hit your quirk works against you and does Extreme damage to your body.

When Failed at missing any high to low range close combat, Your quirk will immediately Dentin-ate causing you to explode and get sent flying toward the back of where you came from.

"Welcome to the UA Academia, Fist Volume, Welcome to your journey-"

Before we continue with the story

(Y/N)= Your name

(Y/M/N)= Your middle name

(Y/L/N)= Your Last Name

(Y/H/C)= Your hair color

(Y/E/C)= Your Eye Color

(Y/F/F)= Your Favorite Food.

(Y/BF/N)= Your Best Friends Name.

(Y/E/N)= Your Enemies Name.

(F/F)= Favorite Food

(F/S)= Favorite Subject

The Girl with the Mysterious Quirk (Deku X reader)Where stories live. Discover now