*~*Chapter 3. Re-organized dorms?!*~*

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{Y/n}'s Pov.)

I was finally given my mail from UA, Turns out I got into class 1 A! although {Y/bf/N} didn't She got into Class 1 C, Everyday I went to class 1 A. I passed by {Y/F/N} And she'd turn away from me. I texted her only to find out she blocked my Cell number. I was no longer her friend.. I felt so Sad. I protected her to only loose her, I guess this is what it means to be the hero. The mail from UA that I got was actually my Dorm number.

I walked into class 1 A that morning seeing the class rep yelling at a blonde for having his feet on the desk.

"Take your feet off of that desk, now."
"It's the first day and You're already disrespecting this academy By scuffing school property, you cretain."
"You're kidding me right?"

I stared at the two confused, Weren't they suppose to be seniors. I looked over at the girl with purple hair.

"Excuse me, Aren't you Jiro Kyoka?"

"Why yes I am, You must be the new freshmen. Shocked you're in class 1 A though, we're juniors, This may be hard for you huh?"

"not, Really.."
"Well At least you seem pretty confidant then those screaming monkeys over there," She pointed over to the blonde and the guy with glasses. "Those are also your classmates, The blonde is Bakugou Katsuki And the guy with glasses and blue hair is Tenya Iida. they had the same conversation since day one.

I sighed hearing them continue.
"Your old school put a stick up your ass?"
I looked over seeing the green haired student again, Deku.. people said he'd be number two like All might. I then seen Aizawa walk in.

"Alright class settle down, since {Y/n} is now in our class we have to re-check your strengths with the throw ball, Anyway.. {Y/n} If you don't get a decent score you're being kicked out of UA."

"Thank god" I heard the blonde say as everyone glared at him. I felt uneasy, We all walked out there only to see Mei with a new robot.

"M..Mei! W-what is that?!" Izuku asked shocked.

"OH you like my new Baby!? It's AI Robot. Artificial Intelligence! It can bring any villain to justice to help cops out a bit! Here let me just turn it on!"

I grew more fearful as Mei turned it on, The robot looked around before spotting me.

"DANGER, VILLAIN! VILLAIN!" It started to chase me.

I Screamed and tried to run, Mei yelling at the AI to stop but it wouldn't as i was grabbed I screamed until I saw Ochako lift it up and drop it.



"actually.. She is a villain my students, A student that didn't want to be evil but forced into it as a young child." Aizawa said. I looked down as everyone grimaced. Ochako knew I didn't want to be a villain and just hugged me.

"At least your working to change yourself for the better {Y/n} along with {Y/BF/N}"

"She actually.. Blocked me this morning."

"Y i k e s" Said denki as everyone glared at him. "What?!" he yelled confused.

"Alright alright! {Y/N} Take this ball and throw it as far as you can."

I took the ball and just YEETED that ball into the sky, Until it shined like a star. I looked at aizawa and He looked at me and then looked at the timer, As the ball came down like a meteor and crashed.


"WHAT!?" Deku and Bakugou screeched. I walked back and sat down.

Today was going to be A bit of a hassle, During lunch no one sat near me besides Izuku and Ochako. I sighed as I layed my head down.

"I wanna scream?"

"Why?" Ochako asked as she drank her O.J.

"I keep getting nightmares of bad things happening."

"Well they're just nightmares." Deku replied as he munched on rice.

"Everyone came out to be true years later"

"Oh... Like which ones?" Bakugou said leaning over the table pissed at me for getting a higher score then him.

"I had a nightmare when I was 10 that my best friend would leave me out of the blue and block my cell.." I replied

"Did it happen?" BakuHoe asked

"Yes, she did it last night." I replied.

"oh.." Deku spoke out as he was being yelled at by bakugou again.

I sighed and left the lunch table. I walked to my dorm room and just locked myself out from anyone for the rest of the day.

Sorry for the lack of Updates to the books. I will be getting to it this week on this site and on My Quotev Account's Page where I publish other books.

Page count: 2.5 pages

Word count: 771

Edit: some grammar mistakes have now been fixed. - Kyoki 2022

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