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Brittany's POV-






"So now I'm princess."

"Your always my princess."

"Good." I said kissing him.

"I get no kisses." Calum fake cried

I laughed. "Oh cal." I said walking to him and kissing his cheek.

"Don't worry mike I'm still yours." I said

"Good." He smiled.

"Let's go inside." I said grabbing michaels hand.

I opened the door and ran into my brother.

"Move out of the way fuck-tard."

"Bitch." He mumbled

Michael let go of my hand and grabbed my brothers arm.

"Hey, you should stop messing with your sister."

"And why would I do that."

"Mike stop." I said

He ignored me and said,

"Because it's un called for and rude." He spat.

"Stop." I said

"She doesn't care." He said

"Yea I think she does. You know she tells me everything you say to her and calling her fat is way un called for. She isn't fat she is beautiful and perfect just the way she is so stop."

"What ever." My brother mumbled getting out of his grip.

Michael turned around and looked at me.

"You think I'm perfect?"

"Yes I do." He said bedding down and kissing me.

I pulled away and looked at Calum.

"You want me to call Sarah?"

"Yes please." He laughed

"Okay." I laughed and pulled my phone out.

I brought them to my room and they sat on my bed.

I sat on my couch.

[calling Sarah]

"Hey! I have a surprise come to my house."

"Okay be there in 2." she laughed

"Okay." I giggled

[end of call]

"Okay she's on her way."

"Good." Calum laughed

"So how's it been since we left."

"It sucked we missed you guys." Michael pouted

"Aw baby." I said

"Hey Brittany what's the supri- holy shit Calum and michael!" Sarah screamed walking in my room

"Sarah!" Calum screamed crawling across the bed and hugging Sarah

"Cal!" She laughed

"Thank god your here god they were all kissy and ew." Calum said letting go.

"Yea I know." Sarah said

"Mike!" Sarah screamed hugging michael.

"Sarah!" He yelled back.

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