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The next day. I was on FaceTime time with Haley before we went to sleep.
Haley💗: so ready for tomorrow?
Briana: no and yes.
Haley💗: why no?
Briana: because I might end up having Zion for French.
Haley💗: oh yeah like last year how it was me, you, Nick and Zion.
Briana: yeah it was fun but we would always it in trouble.
Haley💗: yesterday at Elom's when we were eating I noticed Zion looking at you a lot.
Briana: really!?
Haley💗: yeah and so were you.
Briana: yeah I was but it's not like it's gonna happen.
Haley💗: could only dream.
Briana: it's 10:30 I think I'm gonna go to sleep.
Haley💗: me too good night best friend love you!
Briana: good night I love you too!

They next morning I woke up at 7:30am to get ready it took me only 30 minutes and when I was done Haley came to pick me up.
Haley💗: I'm here.
Briana: coming.
I grabbed my back pack and told  my mom bye and ran out the door into Haley's car she bought me Starbucks. She was driving to school when our song came on and started sing.

We got to school and walked to the front where teachers were giving students their schedules and Haley and I got ours and we only had 1st,3rd and 8th together. Then we heard Elom calling our names so we walked over to him and he with Zion and friends talking.
Elom: let me see your classes.
Haley: i have you for four classes and Briana for three.
Briana: I have you for five.
Zion: let me see Briana.
He took my schedule out my hand.
Nick: damn Briana you are smart you got a lot of advanced classes.
Zion: yeah are I have you for six classes.
Nick: I have you for four.
Elom: what!? My brother got more classes with my best friends than me.
Haley: no not me.
The bell rang and I walked to class with Haley and Elom with Zion and Nick behind us. We walked in the class and the teacher handed us papers with numbers on them and I got 10 and Elom got 4 and Haley got 3 which meant that they got to sit next to each other. I was hoping that I get someone I know. I was on my phone when I heard the chair next to me movie and I was hoping that it wasn't Zion but it was. And Nick sat in front of him and some new kid named Giovanny.

Giovanny as himself.

Giovanny as himself

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He was cute. He turned around and waved at me and smiled of course I did the same back.
Zion: so I really have you for six classes?
Briana: yeah not my fault I'm smart.
Zion: nah you pretty stupid.
Briana: yeah and if I'm the stupid one you are the ugly one.
Zion: me ugly? Never everyone likes me. I'm sexy. Right Nick?
Nick: nah you're ugly. I'm sexy.
Briana: yeah Nick is and your not.
Zion: whatever that's why I get more girls than Nick.
Briana: then why are you still single?
Nick and I laughed. Zion rolled his eyes and hit my thigh.
Briana: that hurt! Why did you only hit me Nick laughed too..
Zion: the only reason why I don't have a girlfriend is be-
He was cut off by the bell and the teacher.
Mrs.Johnson: good morning class welcome back. I hope you guys had an amazing summer. Today you guys are gonna write down on this paper 10 things about yourself and 10 things about your family. That's it and when you are done turn it in.
The teacher passed out the paper and I texted Elom and Haley.
Briana: I'm stuck with two dumbies and a cute new kid.
Haley💗: I'm stuck with Elom and his dumb ass ex. That doesn't know how to shut up.
Elom❤️: well we wish it was you instead of her.
Briana: well I got to go because Zions annoying ass keeps hitting my arm.
Elom❤️: don't kill him please.
Briana: I will try not to.
Haley💗: wait who else are you sitting close to?
Briana: Nick and a new kid named Giovanny.
Haley💗: tell Nick I said hi.
Briana: no text him!
Elom❤️: Haley stop he got a girl.
Haley💗: 😤👿🙄
Zion kept hitting me while I was texting Haley and Elom. He's so annoying but hot.
Briana: what!?
Zion: damn.
Briana: why were you hitting me?
Zion: because I like making you mad.
Briana: ugh you get on my nerves.
Zion: you love me.
The class went on and the bell rang for us to go to the next class and in that class I had Zion by myself I knew no one in that class only Zion and it was French.
🤠 skip to lunch🤠
I walked in the cafeteria with Elom and Austin. We got in line and got our food. Me and Elom went and sat a table waiting for Haley and Austin went and sat with his friends. We were sitting at the table talking and Zion came to us and started talking to Elom. Then Haley came with Giovanny.
Haley: hey it's fine if he sits with us right?
Briana: yes of course he can.
Giovanny: cool.
Zion: oh so this is what we are doing now?
Briana: what are you talking about?
Zion: nothing Briana.
He walked away sat with his friends then I got a from Zion.
Zion👿: so are you gonna walk with me to class?😉
Briana: idk why?
Zion👿: cuz I need to talk to u.
Briana: maybe
Zion👿: you walk with or else
Briana: or else what?
Zion👿: you wanna see?
The bell rang for us to go to class I quickly ran what the cafeteria before Zion had the chance to get to me. I walked with Giovanny because I didn't want to walk by myself and I had him for 4th period anyway. It was the last class of the day. We had three class in the morning and one class after lunch and then we get to go home after. Me and Giovanny walked in the class and took a sit in the back. We were sitting down and right before the bell rang Zion walked in and I quickly put my head down then a voice call my name.
Zion: I said to walk with me or else.
Briana: or else what?
Zion: are you coming to the today?
Briana: I don't know maybe.
Zion: okay.
The class went on and finally the bell rang and I looked to see if I could find Zion and I guess he left before I did because he wasn't in the class when I left. As I was walking to Haley's car I feel someone pull me.
Briana: what the-
Elom: did I scare you?
Briana: no not really.
Elom: oh where's Haley?
Briana: I think she's in her car.
We walked to Haley's car and she was sitting in her car with Giovanny. Me and Elom knocked on the window and they both got scared. And locked the car.
Haley: damn what's our problem?
Elom: everything.
Briana: so what are you guys a thing now?
Haley: maybe.
Giovanny: maybe. I mean she's cute or whatever.
Haley: oh yeah I guess you're cute too.
Briana: well elom I guess we are the two single ones now.
Elom: well...
Briana: what?
Elom: I may or may not be talking to Alessa again.
Haley: Alessa!!?
Briana: no you aren't!?
Elom: no I just wanted to see what you will say. I will never go back with her.
Briana: you better not or I will break your legs.
Haley dropped Giovanny off and we went Elom's because his mom made us food. And she wanted us to come over anyway. We got to his house and I was happy that Zion wasn't there yet. Because I like kinda left him to walk by himself to class. We walked inside and Mandy made us lunch. We were eating and she came to us and told us.
Mandy: Briana your mom and dad left while you were at school on a business trip and they want you to say here until they come back.
Haley: why not my house?
Mandy: your mom said your little brother is really sick and she doesn't want Briana to get sick.
Haley: what about me?
Mandy: i don't know you wanna stay too?
Haley: please!?
Mandy: sure.
Haley: thank you that's why I live you.
Elom: so both my best friends get to stay here!?
Mandy: yes that's what I said. And go get you some clothes and then come back.
Haley: alright I will be back.
Haley left to her house and Elom and I helped his mom cook dinner. It was about 6:30 and dinner was ready and Haley made it back just on time for dinner and so did Zion. I went to the bathroom to wash my hands and I felt someone's body on mine and breathing on me. I look in the mirror and it was Zion.
Briana: what kuwonu?
Zion: you remember what I said earlier?
Briana: no I don't know what you are talking about.
He whispered in my ear and sent chills down my back and put his hand on my waist. Then moved and I talked out the bathroom and he walked behind me. We went to go eat dinner.
Zion: wait so are you guys staying here?
Haley: yeah is that a problem?
Zion: no of course not.
He looked at me and winked and smiled. We finished eating and we went and watched tv until 10 and then we went to sleep.

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