Episode 9: Thomas, Percy, James and the Weather (SEASON FINALE)

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It was windy and rainy day on Sodor. Thomas, Percy and James were working hard. I'm worried about this weather," said Thomas.

Percy agreed. "I don't want this happen all day," he squeaked.

"Lets just hope it doesn't rain," said James. "What would become of my paintwork?"

Sir Topham Hatt came to see the three engines. "I need you three to work in the shunting yards while Edward is helping out at the Mainland."

"Yes, sir!" said Thomas and Percy. But James was cross. He didn't like shunting trucks. He knew Really Useful Engines had to do what they're told to do.

First they started shunting a good train for Henry. But as they were shunting, the weather got worse. It began to rain again. To make matters worse, the Troublesome Trucks began to get up to naughtiness.

"Here, we go! Here we go! Here we go!" sang Thomas' line of trucks at they rocked back and forth.

"No, you don't! No, you don't! No you don't!" sang Percy's line of trucks as they stood still.

"Stop that!" snapped Thomas.

"Be quiet!" hissed James.

That evening, the engines were exhausted. They were ready to puff back to Tidmouth Sheds for the night, but the manager approached them. "It's too dangerous of you to go back to the Sheds. You must stay here for the night."

The engines were disappointed.

They found a a shed with space enough for three engines. There was a thunderclap then a strike of lightning. Percy shuddered.

"What's the matter, Percy?" teased James. "Scared of the thunder? Ha ha ha!"

"No, I'm not," said Percy. But, secretly, he was. He was glad Thomas was next to him.

The next day, the weather was still horrible. The wind howled and the trees shook. It was pouring rain.

Some vans of melon needed to be taken to Knapford Station.

"I will take it," said Thomas.

"But Thomas," Percy said. "you can't go out alone in this weather."

"Don't worry. Percy!" said Thomas bravely. "I can handle it!"

Then he set off.

"It's all right, Percy," said his driver. "Thomas will be fine."

But Thomas didn't return that night. Percy was worried about his friend. "Where's Thomas?" he cried. "He should have been back by now!"

"Calm down, Percy!" said James. "I'm sure he's fine!"

But then there was trouble. Lightning struck a tree and it fell. The tree fell on James' line.

"Oh no!" He cried.

Then a landslide came down towards him.

"Look out, James!" cried Percy. But it was too late. Soon James was buried in a landslide. James was still on the track but he couldn't move. Only his eyes and nose could be seen.

"Help!" cried James. His voice was muffled.

"Don't worry, James! I'll go get help."

And Percy set off.

As he sped along the track, an idea flew into his funnel. "Maybe while I'm out, I can look for Thomas!"

He thought it was a grand idea.

"Thomas! Thomas!

Thomas, are you here?" There wasn't an answer.

Suddenly, Percy looked up and gasped. He saw some derailed vans.

And then and he gasped again. He saw Thomas, who was de-railed.

"Thomas!" Squeaked Percy. "Are you all right?"

"Percy, is that you?" called Thomas. "Thank goodness you're here!"

"What happened?" said Percy.

"While I was taking these melons, a landslide hit a telegraph pole and knocked it over and I hit it."

"Are you all right?"

"I am now."

"Just hold tight, Thomas, I will go get help!"

Thomas smiled. "Thank you, Percy!"

Percy went towards Knapford Station. He found Donald and Douglas at a water tower.

"Donald! Douglas! Thank goodness I found you two!," he puffed Thomas and James are in trouble! we need your help!:

Donald and Douglas were happy to help. "Of course, laddie!" they replied.

First they got Rocky then Percy took the twins to Thomas. Rocky lifted Thomas back on the track.

"Are you all right, Thomas?" asked Donald.

"I'm fine." replied Thomas. Then they came to James. Donald and Douglas got in front of James. Donald was coupled to James. Then he, Douglas and Percy pulled James out.

"Are you all right, James?" asked Douglas.

"I am now," groaned James. "But my paintwork is ruined!"

"Don't worry, we'll send you to the Steamworks!" Donald smiled.

Donald and Douglas shunted Thomas and James to the Steamworks. Soon, they were repaired, repainted.

When Thomas and James were fixed, they saw Percy, Donald and Douglas outside.

"Thank you all for the help!" said Thomas.

"Och, aye, lads!" replied Donald and Douglas.

"I am happy to help!" said Percy happily. He was happy to have his friends repaired.

That night, Edward returned from the Mainland.

"Thank you, Thomas, Percy, and James for taking over me!" he puffed.

Thomas, Percy and James beamed. They were all tired. They were all Really Useful Engines and they knew it.

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