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Name: Aeris

Age: ???

Species: Demi-god turned full god

Title: God of Warnings

Pronouns: They/Them

Hight: 4ft 6"

Demi-god appearance (physical): Bright amber eyes, wavy mid back length black hair with odd grey streaks, really pale skin, slight dusting of freckles across cheeks, skinny, slightly sharper than normal canines.

Full god appearance (physical): Empty black eye sockets, pale grey skin, dark grey mid back length hair, slight dusting of black frackles across cheeks, skinny almost sickly looking, sharp teeth, slightly pointy ears.

Appearance (clothing): Black sleeveless vests under an oversized canary yellow sweater, black skinny jeans, a pair of loosly tied black and white high top converse.

Appearance (other): Dark grey hair appears almost feather like with lighter grey and often faded white speckles around the 'feathers', eyesockets become filled with an eerie sickly yellow light when mad, hair floats around their head.

Personality: Aeris is a rather quiet, timid person. Aeris is often reserved when around new people, and tries to hide in their sweater. This shyness is only matched by their sheer curiosity when it comes to animals.

Likes: Reading adventure novels, animals, listening to peaceful music, sweaters, churros, the colour yellow, feeling happy.

Dislikes: Their aliases assigned by humans, sadness/negative emotions, loud noises, surprises.

Origin: Aeris was brought up in Green River Orphanage back before they found out about their Godly parents, before they became a god themselves, before they even found out they were a demi-god. Aeris didn't have very many friends in the orphanage, preferring to be alone rather than be around a bunch of noisy people. Aeris' demi-god abilities were always there, but the majority were triggered by the death of their only friend. Their ascention to becoming a full god came only a few years later, a combination of stress and a desire to protect innocent people.


Danger sense: Allows Aeris to sense where danger is, or rather will be, and locate it.

Warp: Allows Aeris to appear at areas of danger

Animal form: Aeris can take the form of animals related to warnings (i.e. magpies, crows, the Grimm hound, etc)

Invisibility/intangibility: This allows Aeris to remain hidden from the eyes of all non-gods as well as untouchable to non-gods. Gods, demi-gods and magical creatures can still feel their presence, and any godly crafted weapon can harm them.

Time slow: This allows Aeris the time to ward off people.

Atmosphere manipulation: This allows Aeris to manipulate the atmosphere around them to make humans and non-gods to feel a sense of dread/fear.


Aeris often appears around sites where people have died or will die due to the danger, usually invisible though sometimes in an animal form.

Aeris' voice is like static or white noise and sounds double layered, like a distorted old radio.

Since they awoke their godly heritage, Aeris has always had a companion: Griff the Magpie.

Aeris will often lay down flowers at the foot of the graves of people they couldn't save, these flowers usually being: daffodils, purple Hyacinth, Asphodel or white Poppies.

Aeris first discovered their abilities when they became friends with a little girl at the orphanage, Riley. It was like a faint buzzing at the back of their mind, drawing them to Riley. The two would explore the grounds of the orphanage together from sunrise to sunset, only ever stopping for meal breaks or chores. This was where Aeris learned the meanings of certain flowers and how to make flower crowns. As time passed the bond of friendship between Aeris and Riley only grew stronger, as did the buzzing in the back of Aeris' mind. Until one day, it stopped. Like always, Aeris was waiting for Riley on the doorstep of the orphanage. They waited on that doorstep for three days before they found out about what happened to Riley. The girl had been messing around by the old, abandoned well behind the orphanage and had fallen in. She'd broke her back upon reaching the bottom of the well and couldn't move or cry for help, yet it was the cold that killed her and not her injuries. Aeris still visits Riley's grave, they cover it in flower crowns they made in memory of Riley.

Good Gods! A series of OC's, info pages, short stories and moreNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ