Chapter 9 - Jaime

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Aiyana. Jaime never thought she would have been an option. Not for him. He knew Robert had been looking for suitors since she first arrived, two years ago, but he had never been considered. Robert had clearly given it a lot of thought, however. He must have seen the two joking and laughing around the castle. They did enjoy teasing one another and Jaime certainly enjoyed flirting with her, but there was never anything more to it, but clearly that wasn’t what the king thought. He must have believed that Jaime would give up his white cloak for her with his father’s permission which he would certainly have if it meant that Casterly Rock would finally go to Jaime and not Tyrion. Tywin was a proud man and he didn’t want to see his home turned into a brothel which is what he believed Tyrion would do it, he had little if any faith in his youngest son.

But of course Jaime would have to agree which he didn’t want to do. He loved Cersei and he wouldn’t do that to her. She was the reason he had become part of the kings guard to begin with.

He didn’t love Aiyana at least not the way he loved Cersei, but did he want her? That was a question he had never been able to answer. One he had asked himself over and over nearly every time they spoke. She had this manor about her. An eloquent way that she drew people to her. A smile that was hard, if not impossible, to smile back at. Those ice blue eyes that were clearer than the sky would lock onto someone else’s and it would be as if you could see everything through them, past, present and future if you looked hard enough. Long, thick wavy locks that were a snowy white that shone in the sun and glistened when they were in the north. She would never tie her up when she went riding. It would whip behind her and that’s all you could see or focus on. She’d always be in front and if you tried to catch up she somehow knew and would giggle before spurring her black beast further on, stretching out further in front, never allowing you to fill the space until the destination had been reached.

Jaime shook his head at the thought. Besides if he did say yes there was nothing to say she would even survive the wedding. She’d be dead at the first sip of her wine from Cersei’s poison.

The King hadn’t waited for Jaime’s reply only instructed that he have time to think before saying anything. He had however informed him of his possible replacements if he were to refuse. Jon Snow was to be next in line after him, but he had taken the black or at least was about to, but perhaps he and Aiyana had become close during their travels and he would return with her… if only he knew of the situation and if Aiyana knew for that matter. The king hadn’t told her, but maybe her father had. At any rate she wouldn’t have told Jon, that wasn’t in her. She wouldn’t deny the watch another body that they desperately needed let alone one who willingly chose that fate and wanted to be there. She wouldn’t want to confuse him or make things awkward.

After Jon was Ramsay Bolton. Everyone had heard the stories about the Bastard of Bolton. Roose Bolton himself wasn’t the most pleasant of men, he had somehow acquired the nickname Leech, how this came about Jaime did not know and he didn’t really want to. He was sure, however, that if Aiyana didn’t kill Ramsay within the first year of their marriage he would probably kill her, if not at the very least break her spirit. Or maybe that eloquent allure she held would break Ramsay and he would fall under her spell.

If Roose Bolton refused her hand for his son than Aiyana would go to the Hound. This thought was not completely ludicrous. Everyone knew Aiyana was fond of Clegane, scars and all, and the only person oblivious to his complete infatuation with her was Aiyana herself. He would agree in a heartbeat, but Bolton would first have to disagree which was unlikely.

If Jaime could not convince Robert to put Clegane before Ramsay then he knew he would say yes. No matter what Cersei had to say about it. She herself was married after all and Jaime was almost certain Aiyana knew of the true relationship between him and his twin. Maybe she would understand. At the least she would be thankful she wouldn’t marry Ramsay in his stead.

No he did not love her, but yes he cared for her and wouldn’t see her handed over to the likes of him.

No he did not love her, but yes they were friends and she would make a good wife… sometimes when her temper didn’t get the best of her.

No he did not love her, but he may not have to marry her if Clegane would in his stead.

No he did not love her, but he finally came to the conclusion that he wanted her.

No he did not love her, but maybe one day… he could.

Third person POV of Jaime back in Kings Landing. Let me know what it's like and i promise there will be actual action and not marriage dilema's in the future, but i need this stuff in order for the good stuff to happen :)

Again i remind you, this may not be heading in the direciton you think it is... :) i like to make things like a game of hot potato so that its not comletely predictable and you can get an idea of the relationships between my character and others before making a final decision of who would would like it to be in the end. I did say i knew who she's going to marry/ be with BUT it's not written yet therefore not set in stone so... please write ideas and suggestions!

Wolves, Stags, Lions, Dragons, and Me (Game of Thrones GOT)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя