Part two

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Part Two: 

It’s officially a quarter to eight. I finished my The Lost drawing about an hour ago, and I was now working on one that I was going to call, The Criminal... Honestly,I got the eyes perfect, but I think I messed up his hair. That wonderful... filthy... amazing... horrible.. perfect hair... No. He’s a burn-out, he’s cool and people like him. I’m the forgotten. I’m the one that no one notices. It won’t work, and I forbid myself from liking him. I crumpled up the piece of paper and tossed it behind me, then pulled out another sheet of paper from my bag. Bender was sitting with his feet up on a chair, lighting his shoe on fire. Everyone else seemed to be just sitting there, so I decided to give up on drawing, and set my head on the desk, slowly drifting off to sleep. 


“You’re right... It’s wrong to destroy literature.” I heard Bender say, as I came out of a deep sleep and began to open my eyes. Bender was sitting on the stair rail, tearing pages out of a book. I glanced at the clock which now read 10:22. How long was I asleep? Bender continued to tear the pages out and toss them on the ground. “It’s such fun to read.” he said sarcastically. “and, Molet really pumps my nads!”. “It’s Mol-yare.” I said under my breath, and Bender only glanced at me for a moment before turning away and forgetting my existence again.

“I love his work.” Brian stated, as if any of us cared. Bender then picked up the card catalogue drawer and started placing all the cards in the wrong spots. “Big deal... nothing to do when you’re locked in vacancy..”. “Speak for yourself..” Andrew commented.

“Do you think I’d speak for you? I don’t even know your language.” He shot back. Andrew then began to talk to Claire, but I tuned out and began looking at Bender.

His eyes, perfectly hiding just slightly behind his hair. His jaw line was perfect. Every feature, perfect. I pulled out another piece of paper from my bag and started drawing. I started with the eyes. Just wide enough to make a girl feel like he was truly looking at you and understanding, but just narrow enough to make a guy back off. I moved onto the frame of his hairline, and placed the small lines, imitating hair, over his eyes just enough to make him appear mysterious. God Dammit! I shouted at myself as I remembered that I was no longer allowed to look at him in that way.  Well... I might not be able to like him, but I can draw him can’t I? I thought, debating with myself if I should continue or not.

I dropped my head onto the table, causing a loud banging sound. I’m sure they were all looking at me, so I just hoped and prayed that I was laying on top of the picture, rather then them all seeing my awful amateur work. “What’s wrong with you?” Bender asked, sounding like the complete jerk that I knew he was. I looked up at him, no doubt giving him a complete, I-want-to-kill-everything look, and he just threw his hands up as though he was surrendering.

“Who do you like better? Bender said, turning back around to Claire, forgetting me once again. “What?” she asked. “You like your old man better than your mom?” He asked again. “They’re both strict.” she responded. “Oh you ‘poor’ thing.” I said, surprising everyone, including myself. “Excuse me?” Claire said with a look of complete hate. Without being capable of stopping myself, I stood up. “Suck it up bitch.” I demanded, and then stormed off into the abyss of books in this idiotic library. I wasn’t going to sit with those pricks any longer. 

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