Les Miserables / French Revolution

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To love another person is to see the face of god

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To love another person is to see the face of

So if you couldn't tell from the title, this is of course a Les Mis roleplay! It is my all time favorite musical / movie and I absolutely had to make it my first roleplay on this book.

If you haven't seen the musical or read the book, then unfortunately I recommend you don't do this roleplay as I'm hoping to base it off of the movie- but of course if you have a love for French history I'll definitely make an exception!

Anyways if you have read the book / love the musical, I'll do this roleplay with one of my ocs and Enjorlas as my crush- but if your not comfortable playing him then you can use someone else or a male oc no problem! 💗

I'm happy to roleplay any male you want as your crush of course, (except Enjy of course because we both can't have him 😂)

So comment below if your interested and we can discuss!

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