Chapter 1: The Escape

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BABY'S cry woke me up and I shot up, looking around frantically. There beside my bed, laid a crib and the cries sounded from it. Slowly and cautiously, I looked into the crib to see a little baby boy.

My hand drifted to my mouth as tears streamed down my face. I looked around in search of danger before reaching in and picking up the baby. Gently, I rocked and softly shushed him, afraid Luke would come in and hurt us.

The baby boy finally stopped crying and gazed at me with gorgeous blue eyes. I gasped at them because they were the same exact color as mine. He cooed at me and my body shook with silent sobs and stifled cries.

Suddenly he wasn't in my arms anymore and I began screaming and crying. Looking up, I see Luke staring at me with an evil smirk and the baby in his arms.

"Please, Luke.. Give him to me!" I begged as I watched the innocent child squirm in the arms of the devil. He merely scoffed at me before turning and walking out of the room with the screaming child.

I ran to follow but the door was no longer there and in its place were bars. The scene transformed into a cage with knives and other things hung around in the room. Luke stepped in front of the cage, covered in blood causing me to scream and gag.

"Let the games begin.." He growls with a smirk.

• • •

I shot up in my bed, covered in sweat and tears. My heart was pounding and my mind was all over the place after the vivid nightmare I just had.

I begin to sob into my hands as the horrible images replayed over and over again in my head. Suddenly, the room door slammed open and the bastard stumbled into my room.

"Hey b****! Wake up and cook me breakfast now!" He yelled as he made his way towards me. I sniffled and quickly wiped my tears but he already noticed. Before I knew it, his fist swung at my face.

I didn't give any reaction except looking away from him. Showing fear or crying will only give him sick pleasure and he will continue to hit me. Finally, he stumbles out of the room while muttering curses at me.

I get up changing into some warm clothes before proceeding to take csre of my hygiene. Which really only consisted of brushing my teeth and combing my hair. I no longer had the privilege to cleanse, exfoliate, moisturize or even floss my teeth.

Knowing Luke would be angry ifnintook too long, I quickly rushed through everything before making my way to the kitchen. When I walked in, he stood up from his place at the table and headed towards me with a scowl.

"Finally! Cook me some bacon and pancakes," He said punching me in the stomach, knocking the breath out of me, "And next time you take long, you'll be getting the shocker and the burner. In the cage."

His words sent shivers of absolute terror through my body. Those were the most painful punishments I had ever received. The bastard knows just how fearful I am of them and how painful it is, so he loves to threaten me with it.

I take deep breaths, I still had cuts and bruises from the night before. The night i finally came up with a plan. After learning every inch of the house, I was ready.

Breathing through the pain, I quickly prepare the food he asked for. I can feel his disgusting gaze on my body, making me to squirm uncomfortably. It was rare for me to ever enjoy male attention, but when it came to Luke, I felt absolutely revolted.   

Breathe Me [Klaus Mikaelson]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora