part 3

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a few days past after the new situation had occurred the German decided to go see the communist to see how he was doing "hey.... you're starting to look like your self again..." the Russian turned his sight to look elsewhere trying not to show any signs of anger .....the German sighed "look i know you're probably not in the best of moods with me right now and I don't blame you I know it wasn't you I know that now I'm sorry for not believing you it's very pathetic of me not to trust easily " the German gave a slight laugh after saying this but when he noticed that the Russian frowned from this he kept quiet the communist keeping his gaze at the wall for a moment gave a slight sigh "don't worry about tha-" before he was able to finish his sentence the German hugged the Russian not letting go of him for a while "I'm still sorry for all of this...." the Russian then proceeded to hug the German back  "hey look it's fine it's not your fault you have trust issues we all do ok?.... I'll be going back to my main base later today to do some research on how the other countries were able to get those flags ...." they both let go and the German proceeded to leaving with a slight nod in response later that evening to what had seemed forever to the communist, ussr had finally made it back to his main base "ok the-....." he stopped his sentence right there dropping his shotgun walking towards the now destroyed base the symbol from Reich's flag was drawn onto the floor he looked down at it for a moment to then focus his sight on a note on what remaind of a wall which didn't look like a wall anymore it looked more like bricks stacked on top of each other not even in a well done manner he proceeded to grab the note and read [ hey no harm done right it's just a base ?this is payback for attacking me like this oh and when I meant that it's just a base I meant that I least you can fix that good as new! but there is one thing that won't be able to be fixed , remember lil russ? oh em he was in there when I blew your base into nothing  have fun with that -T.H] slight tears came down the Russians face his vision was very blurry he could barely see either way he proceeded to go inside the destroyed base everything gone/destroyed he continued to walk further till he came across lil Russ's hat he picked it up he started moving pieces of ceiling aside till he got to the five year old who was now unrecognizable due to have been crushed by the ceiling he picked lil russ up hugging him even though he was dead the Russian was now uncontrollably sobbing "please awaken from this never ending...." he then a hours later put the now dead five year old into a box and watched it get taken away by a near by lake he wasn't sobbing anymore he felt betrayed,angry, crestfallen,broken,dead inside ....he went back to the base he had in Germany he didn't even bother talking to Reich he was past the meaning of the word triggered and betrayed he dropped the note he had found at his now destroyed base onto the floor walking into his office and slamming the door shut Reich who was in his own office reading some files had heard the door close in a harsh manner he got up from his desk and went to see where the noise came from he then found the note that the communist had dropped picking it up and slightly reading over each line to then paused for a moment " what..?..." the German then asked two of the soldiers that were there asking who had dropped the note when he was told that it was by ussr he proceeded to walk over to the Russians office to then slightly knock on the door slightly calling out to the Russian but of course there was no response the communist was slightly sobbing though the sobs were surprisingly quiet , Reich sighed "I know you're in there anyways em I found this on the floor and I don't understand it what happened with russ?" hearing this triggered the Russian even more he grabbed a knife and threw it at the door making it go right through the door and getting it stuck on the wall behind Reich the German looked over to it for a moment to then look back at the door he didn't even mind if the knife had hit him or not , the Russian was basically screaming when he threw the knife basically choking on his words from sobbing " GO AWAY YOU MURDERER!!!" the German got confused from this " murderer?...what are you even talking about..?..." the Russian got even more triggered hitting his hand against the desk " Don't.act.dumb. YOU THINK YOU CAN DESTROY MY BASE  KILL MY KID IN THE PROCESS AND GET AWAY WITH I-" he couldn't even finish his sentence he was choking on his words now sobbing worse then before the German took a deep breath trying to keep his calm " what?...... I didn't destroy you're base and I would never hurt lil russ plus I haven't been to Russia for months it wasn't me...." the Russian basically ignored what the German said on speaking in a more depressed tone "this has crossed the line this is past brutal Reich........" the German after hearing this gave another sigh this time it sounded more quiet and peaceful than last time "you don't have to believe me but I'm just saying what I did if you don't believe me then I can't help you there I don't blame you either did you even see if russ is really gone how do you not know that he's maybe kidnapped somewhere ? did you even bother to look inside...?" the German then slightly opened the door looking over at the sobbing Russian he didn't go in though the Soviet leaned his head against the desk giving out slight gasps for air and also slight coughs from sobbing the German kept the silence for a moment before speaking choking on his words basically "I think we should end this's hurting you....." the Russian was slightly shocked from hearing this but he kept his silence either way the German had tears forming in his eyes "you can leave tomorrow I'll help you out by making a few soldiers go with you so that you can get situated back at your Homeland ....."  the German then left before the Russian could even get a word out shielding his eyes from everyone and locking himself in his own office

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