Chapter 2

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Polaroid 1: Bare Chested

#1: Zoe S

     Ever since that day she has been coming to his house everyday after school. Knowing the plan that he had set out for her made her feel so much better about her life in general. She did feel a little nervous but she felt so happy about what they were gonna do that it made that nervous feeling seem pretty distant.

     They were now on the bus on the way home from school. She was sitting on the window side and he was closer to the ile. Today was the day, after about 2 weeks of planning and preparation they finally got a perfect plan. Michael did most of the planning but Sunshine added some helpful suggestions. She really looked forward to hanging out with him after school and durling lunch, it was a lot easier to talk to him then before. She didn't feel scared to offend him or seem weird or crazy. It almost felt like the more she leaned into that weird and crazy  side the more he liked it and the closer they got.

     She came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. He was taking books out of his locker, smiling.

     "I'm scared." She whispered holding on tightly and burying onto her face into her face into his back.

     "Why, you'll feel so much better after we do this." He said closing his locker and turning to face her, his long arms wrapping around her.

      " What if we get caught." She asks are they start to walk to the bus, his arm hanging off her shoulder. It was a friday night so there was a bit more comotion and a bit more excitement in the halls than usual, especially for Sunshine and Michael.


      Here they were, standing outside the Zoe's house pare of her felt like they should turn around and go home and another part of her couldn't be more excited. She was holding on the polaroid camera and took and deep breath and walked in. They opened the door and looked around. For Seb, it was just a room, some walls and plaster. For Sunshine it brought back memories, painful memories.

     "Take your hoodie off." He said as she led him to her bedroom where the memories were almost overpowering her. She took off her hoodie and then her bra and then laid on her bed. She  left her tight jean shorts on and just laid there as he climbed onto the bed, standing on it with his shoes on. She looked around the room to see all the posters and things that she recognized from the last time she was there. He snapped the picture and then hopped off the bed and then walked to the kitchen.

     "Put your gloves on and your hoodie but, just your hoodie." He said walking around looking at everything. She did was she was told and tried to push all emotions to the back of her mind. She wondered if there was any part of her that wanted to forgive her. Those thought went away as soon as he came back to the room. He gave her a knife and smiled at her.

     "God you're so innocent, wish i didn't have responsibilities like you." He said kissing her forehead leaning against the bathroom door frame.

     " We have 10 minutes until she gets home from track. " He said laughing, his braces in full view. He was about to say something else but then they heard the door open and his smile got even wider and his eyes lit up with excitement. She mentally prepared herself and sat on the bed. Seb smiled at her and then let his eyes fall, the plan that they had made was in full effect and Sunshine felt her heart drop to her stomach.

     Zoe then opened the door to her room and made confused eye contact with her.

     "What are you doing here?" She asked tossing her bag down and looking down at her. "Are you drunk, are you okay?" She asked getting closer to her looking at the dark bags under her eyes and how red they were. She also noticed that Sunshine was wearing her hoodie, no makeup, hair down and while no tights on. This wasn't the Sunshine she knew and she immediately felt guilty and ran over to the bed and pulled her into her arms.

     "What happened to you, i'm so sorry." She said and then Sunshine broke down, because she missed her so much, she didn't even care about what happened at this point, she just wanted Zoe back. Her sobs got more intense once she realized that Michael was going to kill her and she held on a little tighter to her. She laid down on top if Sunshine mumbling apologises against her neck. It was getting heated and the more intense it got she knew the more angry Michael got.

     He walked out of the bathroom and grabbed Zoe by her short hair. Before Sunshine even had time to react, he had slit her throat. Blood sprayed and dripped onto Sunshine whose mouth was agape. He threw her on the floor and started stabbing her repeatedly and small smile on his face. Once he was done her threw the Polaroid picture onto her body and slid the knife into his pocket and smiled at her. She was still in shell shock unable to move.

     He went back into the bathroom and grabbed a wet washcloth and wiped her mouth, and all the blood off her body. He the took his trench coat aff and wrapped it around her body. The whole way home he just mumbled about how his plan didn't go according to plan. Sunshine fell asleep in his arms, crying about Zoe's dead body that she could see on the inside of her eyelids.


     They were now at Michael's house, she wasn't crying loudly anymore, just silent tears what were cascading down her cheeks. She had showered and was now wearing one of his hoodies. She was staring at the T.V, not even trying to distract herself by reading subtitles anymore. He was typing angrily at his computer, annoyed that Zoe didn't react the way he planned and mad that i wasn't the one who killed her. Diet Dr.pepper cans and string cheese wrappers all over his desk.

     "Why are you still crying?" He asked not looking up from his screen. She just shrugged her shoulders and continued to zone out to the japanese cartoon coming from the tv.
     "I don't know why you're crying, we did a good thing. That bastard has done that to so many girls and she fucked you over so bad, she learned her lesson. It was going to happen sooner later, we just happened to be the one who gave her what she deserved." He said now moving so he could play his game,

     "Go to sleep, you'll feel better tomorrow, you need to stop thinking about it." He said and she nodded letting her thoughts drift off until she finally fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2019 ⏰

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