Poem #6: Lonely

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Hello, I'm thinking that I shouldn't put the inspiration and emotion, I will occasionally, maybe I'll even talk about the poem a bit. I hope you enjoyed the last poem, and I hope you'll enjoy this one.



This loneliness,
Has made me a mess.
Nobody must know this,
I don't want them to notice.

After a breakdown,
I thought I would drown.
The more time passed,
The more I gasped.

I noticed how lonely I became,
With each passing day.
I wanted to say this,
But they didn't listen.

Music, helps me cope with it.
But they always say 'Be quiet!'
My Emotions were all over the place.
Painful Flowers grew at a fast pace.

I always wondered about The End.
I always wondered about my friends.
I always wondered where my Real Self went.
I always wondered about what they said.

She only wanted to talk with them,
Sadly, they couldn't listen.
Too busy to notice,
Only few know this.

My loneliness made Masks,
They were there since the past.
Sometimes they took control,
Sometimes I knew I'm not whole.

Being lonely is different
From being alone.
Can you guess it?
Only some will know.

I feel lonely.
Sometimes I'm alone.
Was I ever free?
Am I used to being on my own?

Not free.
Can't see.
Don't be.

Do they know?
Will they show?

No words.
It hurts.
They burn.
Stop her.

I'm lonely.
I'm alone.
I'm not free.
I'm on my own.

Trying to say my problems.
Trying hard to tell them.
They don't listen.
Try, my friends



I don't like to say my name.
My profile's too long.


I hope you enjoyed. Please vote, comment, and follow for more updates. I'm not ok. Also, the words 'she' and 'her' in some of the stanzas, refer to me. They took some control. But don't mind it. And even though y'all know my name already, I don't really care. I still won't say my name.

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