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We all, one way or another, are trapped in someone's games, where we must follow invisible rules. In them, we are only rag puppets in the hands of puppeteers. If you try to leave the game, they will do everything possible to destroy you. After all, they do not tolerate insubordination. So it was with us. We were against them and paid for it. After all, we were pitiful dolls in their theaters of fate.

The night swallowed the city, allowing people to be who they really are. Two people are on the roof of the house allowing the darkness to hide their thoughts and dreams. It may seem that there is nothing in common between them, but only the moon and the stars know that they are united by a common thirst for freedom. But they know that they are destined and that why they look at them with sadness.

"Maybe we'll run to where we can be free?"

"There's hardly a place where everyone could be themselves without hidin' behind another mask of hypocrisy. There's no place where people wouldn't obey the system imposed from somewhere above."

And we understood that. Our dreams with us dissolve with the first rays of the sun. Every night we came to the roof and shared what we so desperately tried to hide in the light of day. For some reason, at night, we allow our feelings and thoughts to take over us and be who we are without our masks.

"I'm goin' to get out of here".


"I dunno. Anywhere. Are you with me?"

I did not answer, continuing to look at the sky strewn with stars. I think the answer was obvious.

Then I remember how we were already racing along the highway, following the potter's intended plan. We left everything in the past, giving way to a future that we did not have. We just wanted to live by following our own rhythm and obeying our heart.

"Look! The stars are fallin'! It's so beautiful!"

It's a pity that fate had other plans for us. Further, we began to feel lower and lower began to fall into the abyss. Only now we realized that we saw the tears of the sky, which mourned our souls, which were ruined by someone's fun.

We knew that we could not get out of here alive because it was a game with death. And we lost. We were just marionette in this ruthless game. Puppeteers laughed and thought about how to make this game more fun and we just had to accept the inevitable. The game is over, the roles have been played, the performance of human destinies has been played. Our lives are over. Puppeteers will look forward to the next time they can pull the invisible threads of other people's destinies.

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