lost but not alone

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Did you ever have been asked the question, " If you were stranded on a island, and you could only have one thing , what would it be?" Well, my answer would be a best friend, because thats what saved me from a near death experiance.

I was flying over one of the many forests in Louisiana, listening to a song and drumming out the beat on my lap. I was flying without my parents because i was going to my aunt's house while my parents were gone. I never really liked her. Have you ever heard of crazy cat lady? Well , my aunt's a crazy PIG lady. All she does is hang out outside and "talk" to the pigs.Instead of doing normal old lady stuff- like knitting,sewing, or reading. All of a sudden I feel a JOLT. Every body on the plaine lunged forward, like someone was pushing them. A flight attendant came out " Every-Things fine, we just had a technical difficulty with the engine," She said with an anxious tone in her voice. Every body relaxed.

Then, another JOLT. I started having butterflies in my stomach- the plaine's nose was facing straight down. Then without thinking, i grabbed my book sack that i took with me and covered my head with it. Before i knew it, I heard the flight attendant screaming. I looked out of my window and I saw the ground rising up very fast, and debrees and dust sprayed all over my body.

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