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Leslie Arwin is loving her life. She lives in an ordinary two storey house with her parents, her best friend and her are closer than ever, and Ryan Clegg, the cute boy in her math class has just asked her out. Her classes are going steady, and "Wolfmania" blog just hit four THOUSAND followers. What more could she want?

She's the "she - wolf" of Carrington High, followed everywhere by howls and wolf-whistles - but she doesn't mind. It's even a kind of praise, considering it's just for her blog. Besides, she's always had an attraction towards wolves. Their speed, agility, their power, their freedom - it always sounded so fascinating. Her doodles turned out as moons overhead, or silhouettes of trees, or even wolves racing past the page a silvery blur. She's the best at gym in her whole class, and she always felt more comfortable in big groups. Everyone knows her for her complete hit of a blog - Wolfmania. Fanfics, uploads of her wolf artwork, stories of her life edited as to be a werewolf.

Then things started to get weird. Ever since she turned sixteen, she's felt an urge to yell and howl and run in the moonlight. But... that's kind of normal, right? With all the stupid hormones and everything. And then, she started to get cravings for meat. The girl who swore to be a vegetarian ever since she peeked inside the butchers store when she was eight. She tried to ignore it - but eventually gave in. Started eating meat outside home. (Her mother was the supreme vegetarian and would kill if she found out.)

But it got to a point where the dreams started. Every few nights, she dreamed she snuck out, everything a blur, and she remembered running faster than she had ever run before, buildings chasing past, and into the woods at the outskirts of town. Running and howling at the moon and sometimes succumbing to the urge to hunt. She remembered seeing the sky lighting, and buildings streaking along the edges of her vision.

Nobody knew how far the obsession was going.

And then, her whole life was just - gone.

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