Mistakes are Forgivable (Larry Stylinson One-Shot)

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Hiya to all, This is my first one-shot in wattpad. And i hope you guys like it.

I know i said it is one-shot, but it is actually divided into two parts. Hope you don't mind it.

Please guys, Take your time and go through my story. And kindly ignore if there are any mistakes and keep that in my mind that english is not my mother tongue.

Comments, votes and feed back from you is gratefully accepted and dont forget that it will make me so energetic.


Jay slowly parked her car infront of a tree where she usually parks her car whenever she drives louis. She really likes driving louis which she did a very long ago. Yeah! Louis started going with his friends to school when he turned 11 years and bought a car when he turned 17. Since then, he drives his own car. Well, now he can't since he met with an accident 1 month ago. That is the reason she is driving him now despite the protests from louis.

Louis opened the passenger seat door and gently placed his right leg outside and then carefully dragged his freshly-recoverd-fractured left leg out of the car. "Careful, Boo" Jay said, concerned. She placed her hand on a steering wheel and looked at her son carefully like if her son needs her help she is ready to give him that.

Louis rolled his eyes. Gently, he pulled up the backpack over his shoulder and replied. "This is like the millionth time you have said that to me, mom. I will be fine" Louis replied impatiently. He couldnt stand her constant caringness and her love.

"What? Am i not allowed to show motherly concern?" Jay scolded glaring at her son.

"Mom, you are worrying for nothing. I have zayn, liam and niall to take care of me. So, please just leave me already" Louis huffed, looking irritably at his mother. He squirmed uncomfortably on his feet. After accident, he cant stand on one position for so long. He is still recovering.

"When did you ever listen to me? Its my foolishness for even trying" Jay said it to herself and started her car engine getting ready to leave.

"Bye, mom. Be safe" Louis said smirking at his mother who rolled her eyes at him.

"Yes mother" Jay replied sarcastically and then gave a genuine smile at her son finally saying. "Bye, Boobear"

Louis waved at his mother and stood there watching her mother car leave until he can no longer see it and then he sighed heavily before making his way to his school. He noticed that everybody is staring at him whispering something, few showing concern in their eyes and few are fake gasping while he is walking through the corridors. Louis is so popular at school because of his handsomeness, angelic features with an attractive body. He is also good at singing and is a captain of school's football team.

Its no surprise that everybody's attention is on him now. Because, he returned to school after one long month rest due to the accident.

He finally made it to his locker, avoiding all the sympathy looking eyes and all the fake people who are desperately trying to get his attention. "Hey Louis, how are you?" His football mate, josh asked him.

"Yeah, am fine" Louis muttered while shoving all the unnecessary books into the locker.

"Louis, long time no see" A random blonde asked him, standing at his right side almost leaning on him too closely. "How are you?"

"I will be fine if you stop leaning, ok. I am still recovering. Remember it?" He snapped at her, who didnt even bother at his vicious tone.

"You are funny" She blinked her eyes rapidly, giggling for nothing which made louis want to barf right there.

Mistakes are Forgivable (Larry Stylinson One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now