An Alternate Outlook

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What if on the Kingdom ruled by Ceres
Yet another miracle as that of Horus
As the night fills with infant's cries
Gathered three proclaimed to be wise

The child proceeds to preach a lesson
A message of love, as the lord's son
A story we all know, a tale repeatedly told
But what if there was no child for Lord to scold

Part 1- Rome

On the eternal city where all the paths meet
The center of power of Jupiter's seat
Prometheuss' gift unfurls with hunger untamed
The executioner ponders on one to be blamed

At his leisure does the emperor fiddle
As the subjects ponder on the great riddle
At Augustus' desolation and the time of woe
Cried for the lack of both friend and foe

From the land of felines does the empire stretch
Ending with the embrace of Aegir's touch
Plagued by remnants of Gauls, Visgoths and wretch
As the Senate and head ponder to deal with such

As Elysium fills with innumerable fallen
Prosperine's garden fills with fresh pollen
To prevent the barbarians from final laughs
The mighty empire broken into smaller halves

With the wings of soaring Eagle rendered lame
Finding solace beside the hearth of eastern flame
As the difference in faiths continue to brew
With the eye of Set set upon centre of Hebrew

As the Tiber proceeds as per Saturn's flow
The eternal city losing its once great glow

As the subjects across the Danube live in peace

The discontent of Khione forces river to freeze

As the invaders materialise from East on mount
A trial for the labouring Goths to surmount
As the barbarians Sack the memories of old
Defenceless by both iron as well as gold

In the distance does the worn Wolf howl
At the altars laid low by deeds so foul
As the triumphant haughtily move on march
The eternal light dims on Victoria's torch

A few centuries past the echoes of Juno's wail
On the ship of nails do the uncouth savages sail
On ships of timbers and crew of brazen with braid
Plundering across the lands, cities Ceaser laid

As the living are outnumbered by coffins made
The centuries long weapons are laid
To maintain a banner of blood not same
To face the mounted threat as they came

Part 2- Middle age

In the midst of Sands where reality dance
Comes forth a prophet of thought with lance
Responding to the third archangel's call
Preaching the faith that one was for all

Preaching a lesson different yet same
The regions of sand echoing a single name
As the world struggles to stitch and sew
Set pays another visit to the centre of Hebrew

The Sands of giza cover the glyphs and words
The sons scramble to defend faiths with swords
Divided by two ones, one two and a thousand
Different paths but same destination does it send

Across the vast fields of millets and rye
Crossing each one painting a crimson dye
Mounted archers arrive from the farther east
An empire spanning a third of land at least

To fall upon the stretching lines of spear
Unbent, forcing the horsemen to shear
Linking the lands of Hachiman and Terra
Marking the start of the merchant era

Travelling across the never ending plain
Rows of caravans on forests with rain
Company of merchant, mercenary and nurse
Paving a way for slumbering Apollo to curse

At the time of the year the farmers sow
An unholy feast for the raven crow
On the podium does the pontifex urge
To prostrate is the way out of Apollo's purge

As the embrace of Zephyrus reaches on dawn
With the last of the curse not remaining but gone
As black death flies with infinite sorrow
To curse or thank for the single arrow

The echoes of the prophet resonate in east
Entering the lands of ancient lore and cease
North lies the country defended by the great wall
To fend itself from the mounted enemy's call

Beyond lies the deserts of snow not sand
As all things come to an uneasy stand
The weapons laid low in a temporary daze
Turning head upward for an intellectual gaze

Part 3- Post middle age to present day

Remembering and reciting the ancient verse
Does time move forward or go back reverse
A spark ignited by a device to spew steam
Spreading a wildfire making the globe gleam

Driven by a fear of what remains unknown
Questioning the facts that are taught to be known
Unrestrained by binding of ancient thought
Bringing all baseless assumption to naught

A desire to leap across the waters on sail
Brace the bones and strengthen the rail
The shaman warns the king of a crimson rage
Uniting the tribes and arms for wars to wage

As the Augustus fulfills Alexander's dream
A promise and an urge to see the endless stream
Only to realise that existence was bound
And that what goes about always comes around

In the distant land riddles with mountain
Forces enforced to force people on plantain
Enslaving the members of one's own breed
Divisions unaddressed born of class and creed

As the tension at parts remain so tender
The Senate calls upon the wise to ponder
As the mystic nine muses continue to sing
A rift causing the subjects to rebel against king

As the mysteries unravel with each passing tick
Wondering something worthy to constantly stick
As the world enters a stage of self evaluation
An urge for men to practice emulation

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