Daddy (Slight NSFW)

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( a request for @underratedtrashbins )

Mirage grunted as he tried to get the scope to fit on his gun. "This isn't fitting." He grumbled as he tried to shove it. He didn't want to accidentally blow a ginger off either but he knew it was supposed to go on this.

Bloodhound sighed as they approached, grabbing for the gun and they only had to slightly push before it went on with a click. "Wow thanks dad." Mirage said jokingly as the gun was passed back, tossing it between hands to test the weight and get a feel for it.

"I am not your dad." Bloodhound said as they walked to the window, peeking out to try and look for other squads. No one was seen yet though so Bloodhound walked back towards Mirage. "We should go more towards the middle."

Mirage nodded, coming up behind them. "Whatever you say pops." Mirage joked again and Bloodhound didn't even reply as they headed out of the small room, following their map.

Mirage could tell it was doing something to annoy Bloodhound based off of their nonverbal response. Maybe he should keep pushing.

"Come on, you're going too slow." Mirage said as he started to run, slapping Bloodhound's ass firmly. Bloodhound blushed and let out an annoyed huff, steam entering the goggles at the simple reaction.

"Don't do that when there's cameras!" They said after him, breaking into a run to try and catch up.

"There's not going to be any cameras since we're not in a fire fight, daddy!" He laughed as he slid down the hill, jumping at the last second to get some air time on to the ground over the gap.

Bloodhound was going into a slide when Mirage said that, tumbling down the hill with a yelp of surprise. So different from the usually poised hunter.

Elliot watched as Bloodhound rolled to a stop right before the gap, unable to contain his laughter. "Oh my god, are you okay?" He said in between laughs as he jumped over, holding a hand out to help them up.

Bloodhound took it, instantly looking away so Mirage didn't notice the steam in the glass. "I'm fine. Why are you calling me that?" They quickly asked, not even bothering to acknowledge the ache and pain in their side and legs.

"Because you get all flustered. I didn't think you were going to fall." Mirage didn't seem to be too worried about Bloodhound being hurt though. Mirage knew Bloodhound could take care of himself.

"I am very flustered. I do admit to that." Bloodhound muttered as they looked around for an enemy to distract themselves again. Mirage just laughed again, wiping at his eye dramatically. "Don't laugh at me."

"Okay daddy!" Mirage said before he ran towards the hut and into a room, yelling instantly about finding gold armor as Bloodhound seethed with embarrassment and arousal. He wouldn't tell Mirage of the latter until later as now wasn't the time. But that did too much to Bloodhound. Would have to expand on that eventually.

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