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   One story that Nathan told me was about the time he was held at gunpoint.  He explains that before he moved to the outskirts he lived in the local city of our area. He says that he and his mom were in the car when they were approached by a man as they were about to park, just outside their house. Nathan explains that the man first shot one of the car wheels as he made his way closer to the car. Then as the man approached them he went over to the driver's side window and told his mom to lower the window. As she did this he held her at gunpoint and asked for money. She gave him her money from her wallet, and he left.

Nathan explains this to all of us one lunch and at the end we were all dumbfounded. And we could not believe that happend just twenty minutes away from where we all lived. He was only five at the time. This story is nothing compared to others.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2019 ⏰

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