💰Lost In The Woods💰

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Honestly I feel like light up sketchers would fit Arnold better but oh well


It had been light out when the two Elders had left for their walk, though that was hours ago. Now, however, the sky was an ominous shade of dark blue. The sky was filled by bright, yellowish stars that scattered about, stretching though the night sky for miles and miles on end. And, even though barely visible, was the sliver of what looked to be a smile, the moon.

This is what Elder Price, who definitely did not get this from his Disney addiction, liked to call the Cheshire Cat moon, because it looked as if said pink cat was smiling at you, the rest of his body invisible, much like the movie.

Kevin smiled as he saw the moon, loving how much it resembled one of his favorite Disney characters. Though this smile was quickly wiped of his face as he remembered why he was even able to see the moon in the first place; because Elder Thomas and him were lost in the middle of Uganda, Africa.

The two had been walking for hours on end, talking about life and other stuff, something the couple did regularly, before realizing how dark it had gotten outside. Not only did they notice the drastic change from light to dark, but they also noticed how far away from the village they were, both soon figuring out that they were lost.

Kevin groaned at his realizations, the shorter boy next to him giving a shy, understanding smile. Neither of them had wanted this to happen.

Chris lightly patted his lovers shoulder. "At least we're not alone, right?" The other nodded his head before responding. "Yeah, that would be worse, I suppose."

No other words were exchanged as the two continued on walking, heading in what they hoped was the right direction.

After a few minutes of silence, Chris grabbed Kevin's hand, holding it in his own. He lightly swayed their hands back and forth. This earned him a small chuckle from his beloved boyfriend.

"You know," Kevin proceeded to break the silence, "this would be so much easier if we had a flash light." He momentarily paused. "Or, any source of light, really."

Chris began to giggle at that statement. "I can help with that!"

The childlike boy let go of the others hand, running a few feet forward and purposely stomping his feet on the ground.

Kevin, who had been confused at first, quickly understood what his lover was doing once his shoes lit up, rainbow lights flashing with every step he took. Elder Price smiled lovingly at Chris, who had a goofy grin on his face. "Geez, babes, you act like such a child!"

More giggles left Chris's mouth as he continued to run around in the dark, his facial features being illuminated by the lights of his Sketchers.

Then, out of nowhere, the boy froze, an evil smile forming on his face, as he turned to face his boyfriend. And, before proceeding with his running, Chris yelled out those five dreaded words; "Catch me if you can!" Then he was gone.

Kevin let out one loud, over dramatic sigh as he followed after the other, quickly catching up to him as he was the more fit one of the two. Chris let out a small scream as he felt the warmth of his partners arms enclose around him, his laughter never once ceasing.

"What am I going to do with you?" Kevin said through a huge smile as he picked the other up, Chris's legs closing around his waist, his arms around Kevin's shoulder.

Chris only shrugged, gently pecking his lovers lips. The kiss, despite only lasting a short two seconds, was soft and full of love, causing a small blush to arise on both of the boys cheeks. Elder Thomas buried his face into the crook of Elder Price's neck.

Kevin began walking once again, though this time holding his lover and whispering to him. "I love you, Chris."

Chris, through a sleepy yawn, replied with a small; "I love you, too, Kev." Before falling asleep in his boyfriend last arms.

Soon, the two reached the village, Elder Price going straight to the Mormon house and immediately to his room, gently setting the boy in his arms down on the bed.

Kevin presses a small kiss to Chris's head, tucking him in, before heading to the living room, quickly falling asleep on the torn up couch.

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