Chapter 1

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*Turning Over A New Leaf*

After peace had finally settled in Kalos after a huge battle that Ash and his friends had to face, it was time to turn over a new leaf, everyone lived in a cabin together and enjoyed each other's company but Hawlucha, he wanted to change himself for good, he wanted to turn into a kind loving person and not be a guy who had a huge ego and started fights easily. So, this is when it started.

It was a nice day like no other, the sun was shining the pidgys were tweeting and rare flowers were blooming, although the day was nice everyone decided to stay inside like most people did. Noivern and Luxray were of course watching some good ol anime like every teenagers did, Chespin and Pancham were eating all the food in the fridge while everyone else were playing Go Frillish on the table, but like most times Hawlucha was always missing from the group.

"Were is Hawlucha this time?" Talonflame said as he looked up from his cards "probably in Ash's room again" Pikachu brushed off.

"Hey Greninja why don't you go check on your 'BOYFRIEND'" Talonflame joked with a smug "for the last fucking time Talonflame he's not my boyfriend and we are not even friends!" Greninja shouted with anger since he always got told that Hawlucha was his boyfriend.

"Geez Mr McMoody, I was only joking, but you should really go check on him" Talonflame replied to the shouting frog, Greninja let out a huge huff, placed his cards on the table and stormed up the stairs to see if Hawlucha was in Ash's room. While Greninja was upstairs Pikachu stole Greninja's cards and put it with the other cards.

When Greninja checked Ash's room and Hawlucha wasn't there, The blue Frog looked in to the other rooms but he was no where to be seen "strange" Greninja said to himself with wonder.

The ninja walked downstairs and saw the others staring at him "so?" Pikachu said tilting his head to the side like a dog "well Hawlucha has surprisingly disappeared, and I'm going to have a  small party by myself now." Greninja about to walk away until Pikachu spoke up once again "you haven't checked outside"

Greninja moaned like an edgy teenager and kicked the front door of the cabin open with one foot, the blue Frog took one look left and right until his gaze met the Hawk who was sitting on a wood bench on the patio.

"Yo what are doing out here, Birdbrain?" Greninja said with a moody tone, "Just enjoying the summer breeze" Hawlucha replied with a happy tone while turning his gaze to Greninja.

Greninja looked at him with a shocked expression, Hawlucha never acted like this to him when ever he called him Birdbrain normally when he did Hawlucha would beat him to a pulp.

"Wanna join me?" Hawlucha said still keeping his gaze on the Frog with an innocent smile "fuck no" Greninja said bouncing back a little.

"C'mon, it's not like I'm gonna rip your face off" the hawk chuckled "you nearly did that once at one point" The Frog replied with a scoff.

"And plus what's with the whole happy aura going on with you, all I know it's disgusting" Greninja said backing away a bit more.

"I've turned over a new leaf, Greninja, I'm no longer going to be the rude and huge ego Pokémon I used to be." Hawlucha said with pure honesty in his voice even though the tone was happy.

(At night)

That line was stuck in Greninja's head for good, he couldn't stop rethinking it in his head, he kept on Twist and turning in his bed trying not to think of it but another thing was Hawlucha's chuckle it was down right adorable he couldn't think about his chuckle without blushing.

"I hate him, but do I love him...?" Greninja asked himself


Sorry that this chapter is pretty short, the story is a still work in progress since I need to work on the story a bit more.

I'll make the cover at some point until I have enough time to do so

But anyway 

Stay Fresh my fellow memes!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2019 ⏰

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