Forever Him

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Ghoul!Reader [angst/lime]

You didn't know what happened. A few months ago he was just a scrawny human. He was like a little boy you picked on when you were bored. How did he change this much?

Before everything suddenly turned upside down, you were yourself. A ghoul that got hungry and decided to hunt for humans during the night.

Usually, there was a member of the CCG walking around in the dark undercover. That member was Seidou Takizawa. His brown hair stuck out from the hoodie he was wearing, the way he walked was a little staggered, and that silver briefcase he carried around.

From the rooftops, you would stare down at him, watching his every move as he walks aimlessly down the alleyways. You were hungry but you couldn't find the opportunity to find a victim. Although Seidou was a little hesitant in fighting back, getting hit by his weapon hurt a lot.

You decided to make your way down from the roofs and nonchalantly walked towards him from behind. You enjoyed teasing him, saying you'd kill and eat him for dinner, his reactions were priceless.

"Oh no, the CCG is here!" You exclaimed in fake surprise. "I'm so scared! Please don't harvest my kagune!"

Seidou turns around to face you, he holds his briefcase up in defense. His brown eyes were wide with fear but seeing you caused him to calm down a bit.

"[Y/N]," He said with a strained voice. "I told you, I'm not supposed to be seeing you... We made an agreement."

You stalked towards him, "I'm starving though, and seeing you makes me want to eat you up..." You replied in a dark voice. "Seidou Takizawa..."

He began to step back every time you went closer to him. "I promised not to report you if you promised you wouldn't kill me," Seidou looks down at you and sweats. "Stop it, I know you're just teasing me."

"Aw..." Your fingers wrapped around his tie. "Say, I have a question for you!"

His eyes were looking elsewhere, "What is it, [Y/N]?" Seidou's back was against the wall.

You tugged his tie and pulled him down to your height, "Do you like me?"

Seidou stiffened at your question. "No, I don't."

You gave him a grin and went on your tippy toes. Your face was right in front of his. "If I were human, would you like me?"

He doesn't react, "Just stop it."

Your smile falters a little, "What?"

Seidou slowly pushed you away and you grew confused. He wasn't normally like this, he was usually shy and submissive. "I told you, [Y/N], we can't do this."

You tried to laugh to lighten up the mood, "What are you saying?"

He threatens to open his briefcase, "Back off... I swear, [Y/N]. I'll blow your brains out..."

A gasp escapes from your lips and you step back quickly. Your eyes were wide with fear, "Seidou, I-"

"I don't want to resort to hurting you," He turned away from you. "But you're nothing but a ghoul that kills for no reason."

You were baffled at the sudden change of his attitude, "You know I'm just teasing you, right?" Your voice shook. "I d-don't want to eat you... I don't want to kill you, Seidou..."

"Enough, [Y/N]." Seidou starts to unlock his briefcase. "You've crossed the line... We can't love each other."

You felt raindrops land against your cheeks. There was a soft boom in the sky and rain slowly began pouring down. "L-Love?"

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