01 : you meet alex

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beep! beep! beep! the sound of my alarm wakes me in up a frenzy. i see the time and its 6:30. i uncover my blankets and get up.

i got dressed, then i go downstairs to eat breakfast.

honk! honk! my mom beeps the car, telling me to hurry up. i put the bowl in the sink, then go get inside the car.


i get out of the car and up the steps of the school. i was told to go straight to the office. i get a little lost, but it's fine. i open a door that says "office" and go inside. "um, excuse me? i was told to come here. it's my first day," i said.

"oh, hello! i'm mr. kravitz, and you must be y/n?" mr. kravitz asked.

"oh, yes."

"okey dokey! since it is your first day here, i have asked a student to take you on a tour, and just take care of you throughout your first day here," mr. kravitz said.

then a really hot guy emerged out of his office.

"this is alex, and he'll be the one to take you on the tour..."

but i didn't even hear what mr. kravitz said because me and alex were staring at each other.

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wow, she's fine ! maybe i can ask her to sit with me and my friends for lunch...

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"...and that is all. go along now, you have to get to class."

me and alex walked out of the office.

A: so how do you like bettson so far?

y/n: it's good. and big.

A: yeah, i got lost the first day of freshman year. but since i'm a senior now, i basically know everything.

y/n: i'm a senior too.

A:oh really? cool!

A:so what's your schedule?

i dug deep in my backpack to find it, and then i did.

A: mmmm...wow, we have the same classes!

y/n: nice!

we high fived each other.

then i got to know more about him. he was tiktok famous and is a instagram influencer.

y/n: wow, so, do you have a big fanbase?

A: i like to think.

i smiled and giggled.

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she laughed-she thinks i'm funny!
i don't know when to make my move.

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i noticed in the corner of my eye alex looking at me-and blushing. i wondered if he liked me, cause i sure liked him.

*at lunch*

i looked around the room to see where to sit, but i didn't see any available spaces. i sighed, but just then i saw alex waving at me and motioning to come over.

i make my way to his table where his friends are.

A: hey.

y/n: hi.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2019 ⏰

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