1: I TRY

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I try my best to stay strong through the storm
I try my best to fake a smile though I'm crying
I try my best not to fall while I'm hanging on the edge
I try my best to look happy while I'm completely broken
I try my best to show others that my life is beautiful while I hide the ugly truth
I try my best to keep calm while I can't hold myself back
I try my best to live while I'm already dead inside
I try my best not to cry while I am dieing in pain
I try my best to go to sleep but my thoughts keep haunting me
I try my best to keep it real but the truth is my life is a lie
I try my best to be positive but my blood is completely negative
I try my best to keep my feelings in but the keep on falling out
I try and try and try but at the end i die

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