Part 1:The Letter

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Nathan is just laying on his couch when he heard his door bell ring. "Hm? who could that be?" Nathan goes to the door and opens the door and then looked down seeing a letter, "from joey? what does that scumbag want now?" He opened the letter and  read it, {Dear Nathan its been 30 years sense you've been  around the studio and the gang has been BEGGING me to bring you back here so here we are. If you even got this  please come visit the old workshop. There's something you need to see.} "Something i need to see?... hm... well i guess it wouldn't hurt... the workshop is a good 10 hour walk away. I can just jog all the way there!"  Nathan began his jog passing by other buildings waving to people as he passed by,  "wow this old place has seen better days... i walked in and i took a good look around whoa, this is cool. I  walked to the room with the ink machine and I pulled a lever  to raise the ink machine up... let's see what you've got down there-... whoa the.. ink machine....well lets find the items that we need to get the ink flow turned on now. Nathan Soon went off and found the Wrench, a cog, an old record, a used ink bottle, an abandoned bendy plushie, and finally an old book. "Well that Took Some time, but not to much time but lets get a move on." I go to the flow room and flip the switch, "Now then let's get this  thing working."  I head to the ink machine but He noticed that the area is boarded up, and then suddenly a ink hand grabs my shirt collar and then pulled me into the room of the ink machine.

Nathan's DemiseTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang