• Prologue •

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(A/N: um, welcome people. This is the first time I'm writing about these bootiful people and actually publishing it so... this is really weird for me XD sorry if this is weird.)

Seto's POV (If you read my personal book you probably know who dis is :3)

"Bye mom! Dad!" I waved to my parents as I left the house.

"Bye seto! Good luck!" I heard my moms voice respond. I smiled a little.

I'm heading towards the Town Square. Why? Well, there is a new general that has been selected for the Sky Army base. He or she get to choose 50 soldiers to start out with, out of 100-250 people in the Town Square. They also get to choose medics and stuff, but soldiers are the majority of the people.

I'm about a block away from the Town Square. I can see the crowd forming. In the front I see a wide diversity of beings. There being a lava mob, a person with glowing eyes, and a waking and talking watermelon... I don't even know what to think.

"30 seconds!" I heard someone call over all the talking. I quickly walked over to the rows of people, finding a spot in between the watermelon and an emo with headphones..

"10 seconds!" The same voice called. I'm assuming it's the head general. I never learned his name, it never seemed important to me. Mainly because I don't care.

"Ok! General Sky, please step out and greeet these men!"

A man in a black and gray spandex attire walked in front of us. He smiled warmly at me. At least I think he was lookin at me. I shied away.

"Hello everyone. My name is Sky. I'm the new general at the Sky Army base." He was scanning the crowd.

His eyes stopped on me. On the inside I was running back to my house, afraid. But on the outside I was a blank slate.

"You. What do you do?" He was closer now. About 3 feet away from me. I gulped.

"I-I'm a Mage, sir." I stated, looking down a bit.

There was a silence. It was quite long. I looked up to see everyone staring at me. I quivered slightly, but stood my ground.

"A Mage, eh? Show me a trick sorcerer boy." He put a hand on my shoulder and pulled me with him i front of some practice dummies.

I glanced behind me at him, him nodding. I gulped and turned back around. I put my hands up, closed my eyes and started muttering a spell. Though, I stopped mid spell to say, "You may want to step back, sir. Don't want you getting hurt."

I didn't continue until I heard him move back a good amount of feet. I'm pretty sure my aura was visible around my hands, meaning the spell was working. I opened my eyes and focused on the practice dummy that was in front of me. I moved my hands in a circular motion, creating a fireball. Then sent the fireball towards the dummy. Blowing it up and sending me back a few feet. But I landed.

I looked back to the general. He looked surprised. Don't know why, I told him I was a Mage.

"You're in." He said, placing a ingot of gold in my palm. I smiled at him and walked over to one of the buses.

I can't wait for my first battle!

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