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Present time

There was the touch of the wind touching my skin as I stood outside. The wind almost blowing the hair away from my face but I stopped it so it could still cover the right side of my face. It was nice looking out to the people who have decided to leave the comfort of their own homes. Children holding their parent's hands, people walking their dogs, there were two people playing with a frisbee. Then there were the people who walk on the sidewalk, looking down at their phones or taking a call. Other just walking and minding their own business. It was just like any other town and city. Peaceful on the surface but the worry is always lurking underneath.

It was clear as day if anyone bothered to pay attention. There was a group of girls talking and walking but there was only one that was quiet and nodding along. Most would think that she is either the quiet or shy type but the look on her face said it all. She was worried for some reason though no one will know because not a single person bothered to ask.

"[Name]. Earth to [Name], are you there?" My mind snapped back to reality, now listening and remembering that I was in a call. A male Scottish accent was coming through the phone.

"Yeah, I'm here. Can't a girl just zone out for a moment and take in her surroundings? Jeez."

"You know that-"

"I know I know, but come on. I've been so busy with work lately that I haven't actually stopped and enjoyed everything around me."

"That's not the reason why you're there though."

"Blair, I know why I'm here. Now describe this guy again, I don't want to miss him."

"Miss him? Are you at his house like we talked about?"

I had to pause and think about my answer because Blair hated lies but he also hated when I don't follow his directions. For someone who is the same age as me, he sure is more controlling and demanding than he has to be. "Just don't want to miss him, that's all."

"And for you, that's code for no. [Name], we talked about this before. You are supposed to be at his house, not waiting for him to show up in public. The last time you did this, we had to clean up your mess." That's when I saw a man that had stubble, a strong jawline, a bit coltish, talking to someone on his phone. While Blair was talking, I took a quick picture and sent it to him.

"Is that him, Blair?"

"What do you mea-" He cut off his own sentence so I figured he got the picture and was looking at it. "That is him but don't go doing what you did la-"


"Don't hang u-" I hung up, finally pushing my hair back so it didn't cover my face. I got up, looking down at every one since I was on ten story building but looking at people was not what I came for. I took my sniper rifle out of the duffle bag I kept it hidden in, pointing it at my target, no wasting another second. I pulled the trigger, the bullet hitting his head. His body falling to the ground and then the people around the area screaming for their lives as they think their life is next. "Target eliminated."


It's always fun to mess with my victims whenever Slender assigns me a new victim. He doesn't like it when I take my time but it's so entertaining to see them lose it and peeling off their sanity one by one. I've been working on this man for four weeks now, the information on him is that he has been doing business in the shady part of the internet but it didn't matter too much to me. A victim is a victim after all. When I first started messing with him, it seemed that his security system was the latest. Almost everything was electronic so while he was on his computer, I messed with his work.

He was trying so hard to fix his computer but after a long frustrating time, he turned it off. I turned it back on, with the words "You shouldn't have done that, Quincy." That was the real name to my victim. It scared him to know that someone was on to him so he tried to bolt out of his house but he couldn't because I made sure to lock it and only open on my command. The latest security systems can be so much fun to mess with.

After that, I've been messing with him, only a string of sanity was left and once that was gone, I was going to kill him. I was now on the phone with him, instructing him where to go until I heard screams and a thud from his side of the line. I could hear so many hurried footsteps that I needed to see what was going on. I left the call to appear on a TV that was displayed on for ongoing citizens to watch. I saw my victim, now laying on the ground, in a pool of his own blood that was pouring out of his head. Motionless and lifeless. Someone killed my victim that it made me mad.

In the corner of my eye, I saw a movement that was coming from up above. When I looked, all I was able to see was a body walking away, hair blowing right behind her and a sniper rifle over her shoulder. That's all I saw for I wasn't fast enough to see her face. She took away my fun so now it was time to take something away from her.

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