Part 21: The accident

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*Alexander calls Michael*
Alexander: Hey I found Angie, wanna hang out with her?
Michael: ok but I can't right now, I will call you when it's time
*They hang up*
**With Michael**
Michael: So Roby.. Do you have something to tell me? Any news?
Roby: Not really
Michael: are you sure?
Roby: yes, why?
Michael: Because I talked with Angie
Roby: Oh that.. I can explain
Michael: I want your excuse for doing what you did.
Roby:  well you see,(explains Angie's kidnapping),but wait a minute... Angie hates you, how is possible that she told you that stuff....
Michael: Because she didn't but you did
Roby: Oh shit
* Michael punches Roby*
Michael: That scar is for you to remember that you must not touch Angie again, otherwise you will get more!!
* Michael lefts*
*after some time*
Angie: Steve when will we go back?
Steve: I don't know, why?
Angie: I am just curious
*someone knocked the door*
Angie: I will open!
*when Angie opened the door showed Roby*
Roby: hey-hick look who-hick is here-hick
Angie: how much did you drink you smell awfully
Angie:Excuse me?!?
* Alexander showed up*
Alexander: WTF BRO!!!How much did you drink?!?
*Then, all of sudden Roby attacked Alexander and they started fighting*
*Angie tried to stop them but it was hopeless. After some time Angie went out of the house, wore her headphones and went for a walk to relax*

 After some time Angie went out of the house, wore her headphones and went for a walk to relax*

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*While she was listening to music she heard a weird noise and everything went black......*
????: ANGIE!!!!

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 06, 2019 ⏰

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