Chapter 1 - The Day Before The Accident

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Author~Chan here! Feel free to correct me if I spell something wrong or if a sentence doesn't make sense. Thanks! Feel free to give this book a vote! I appreciate any and all support from the people in the community. Happy reading!

(Y/n)'s POV

I was walking home from school. The road was busy and I had to cross the street to get home. I looked both ways before running. As soon as I got to the other side, a truck zoomed by me and made my hair fly everywhere. "Damn," I said, hoping no one heard me say that. Yet 2 meters away from the road, there was my mother standing in front of the door of the bar. My dreaded mother. She abused me after my dad and sister died in a car crash. She called me all these horrible names and did things I wish I could forget.
~ Flashback ~
We were on our way home from our summer vacation, we were all happy. My father was driving, my mother in the passenger seat and my sister and I in the back seat. We were driving when all of the sudden we hit the car in front of us at a high speed. Then the car behind us hit us making my dad hit the windshield and my sister went flying out the back window. I lost had almost lost one of my legs but I had tried to get out (For Freeeee? Sorry! Comment if you understand the joke! Back to the story) before my leg got hurt but my mother was rude and didn't care, so she pulled my leg out from under the front seat, ripping skin.

~ Back To To The Present ~

My mom grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to the house. On the way to the house, people watched with different faces. Some people were pissed because she was dragging me, and others looked sad because they felt bad for me, like they understood.

~ Time Skip To The House ~

We finally made it to the house, but it was worse now that we were at the house. She dragged me to my room and threw me to the floor. She shut the door and ran off. A few seconds later she came back with a whip. I moved back towards the back wall of my room. I froze and didn't know what to do. I ran to my window, opened it and took a leap of faith out of my window. She chased me to the window but stopped and a few seconds later she looked out the window, down at me. I was laying there with my eyes open from the pain I had when I had jumped. She ran out the room, that's when I took that chance to get up and moved as fast as I could into the woods behind my house. I had gotten there but I ripped my sweater sleeve on a branch and was going to go back to get it but then I heard my mom running towards were I last was, and so I took off into the woods and ran to my hide away, my special cave.

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