Have hope

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The air was cold, and everyone wrapped their coats around themselves. On a bench sat a male with hair as black as coal. He sighed and looked around. 

He was annoyed because his friend was late. He had been waiting for 30 minutes.

He looked down at his watch and slowly lifted his head up as he heard someone yell his name.

"Jimin!" He turned towards the voice and sighed in relief as a male approached him. The male has hair as yellow as the sun. 

Jimin gave the unknown blonde an angry look and the male gave Jimin an awkward smile. "Sorry I'm late, something came up with the others."

Jimin gave Jin a defeated look. "Jin-Hyung, how are the others..they don't know about me meeting you do they?"

Jin frowned. "No, but I think they'd want to know, your leaving soon right? If you leave and they find out they'll be angry at me and you."

Jimin smiled. "Well, I just want them to be happy, Hyung."

Jin looked confused. "I know, but they will be disappointed you didn't tell them about this. Anyway, c'mon we have to get you to the doctors."

Jimin laughed as he finally parked the car. Jin started yelling at him. "How can you have your driver's license with that driving! I should've driven!"

They climbed out of the car and walked in and Jin yelled: "I'm never getting in the car when you're driving." Everyone turned their attention to Jin and Jimin.

Jimin smiled shyly. "Sorry, I'll let you drive on the way home, okay?" Jin nodded and finally calmed down and they approached a desk.

The nurse looked up confused "May I help you?" Jimin smiled and spoke, "Hello, I have an appointment with doctor Chung for 2:30?"

The nurse gave him a gentle smile as she picked up a folder and looked through it and then turned back to Jimin and Jin. "Yes, right this way."

Jimin and Jin then decided to follow the nurse as she opened a door to a room and let them in. 

She then spoke: "So, first we're going to take some blood, check your weight, your height. Then I'll take you to another room to see the doctor, so please sit down for the moment."

After a while

Jimin was done with the examination.

The doctor walked in and smiled at Jin and Jimin as he started speaking. "Mr.Park it seems we have some bad news and some good news."

Jimin frowned "I'll take the bad news and the good at the same time."

The doctor smiled "well, you seem in pretty good health but cancer spread to some other parts. We do see a little on your lung and we can remove it and it can be permanently gone but it's your choice."

Jimin sighed and spoke "I'll think about it" The doctor nodded and left the room. Jimin then stood up and started getting his stuff together and opened the door to walk out but was stopped.

Jin grabbed his hand and pushed him back and started yelling." why are you hesitating, Jimin?"

Jimin sighed. "I don't know, I just want to make sure I know what I'm doing"

Jin yelled loudly. They both forgot that the door was open, and plenty of people could hear. "Jimin! If you do this, you could be free. Cancer Free! You can get rid of Cancer and you can live on with your life!"

Jimin snapped "I know!" Jimin shook his head and walked out and Jin followed but they both stopped when they saw five males standing outside.

A while ago

Hoseok, Namjoon, Jungkook, Yoongi, and Taehyung all walked into the living room. They saw Jin on the phone. They decided to hide and listen to the conversation.

"Jimin, it's fine I'll be there! No. they don't know. Okay, bye." they all looked at each other confused, what didn't they know? They decided to follow Jin so they drove quietly behind him and parked when he did.

They climbed out of the car and walked behind Jin as he approached a black haired male that they recognized as Jimin. 

They got closer and heard the conversation as Jimin stood up and Jin called his name and they spoke "Jimin!" 

Jimin turned towards Jin and sighed in relief as he approached Jimin. Jimin gave Jin an angry look but Jin gave Jimin an awkward smile. "Sorry I'm late, something came up...you know with the others."

Jimin gave Jin a defeated look. "Jin-Hyung, how are the others..they don't know about me meeting you do they?"

Jin frowned. "No, but I think they'd want to know, your appointment is coming soon, right? If you leave and they find out they'll be angry at me and you."

Jimin smiled. "Well, I just want them to be happy, Hyung."

Jin looked confused. "I know, but they will be disappointed you didn't tell them about this. Anyway, c'mon we have to get you to the doctors."

The five of them looked confused and followed after them and they got out as soon as Jimin laughed as they finally climbed out of the car.

Jin started yelling at him. "How can you have your driver's license with that driving! I should've driven!"

They watched as Jimin and Jin followed a nurse to a room. They all watched as the doctor told Jin and Jimin the news. 

They did hear the conversation, especially when Jimin revealed he had cancer and was hiding the news from his former friends.

Jimin, Jin and the other five stood shocked the five more than then two but Taehyung spoke. "Is it true" Jimin opened his mouth to speak but closed it as Taehyung spoke again. "You have cancer?"

Jimin nodded and it made Jungkook upset as he started yelling "how long have you been hiding it from us!?" Jimin looked down " 4 months..."

Yoongi looked upset. "Why didn't you tell us?"

Jimin sighed and teared up getting upset. "I didn't want you guys treating me differently, when people hear cancer they start treating people differently. I wanted to be treated normally, so I didn't tell anyone. Jin one day found out about it, and he started treating me differently!"

Jin looked confused and frowned as Jimin started sobbing. Everyone in the building watched as they all hugged each and cried.

After a while, Jimin told the doctors that he would be getting surgery. Everyone except his parents made it, and he was happy to see them.

 Six of them sat in the waiting room confused and worried.

Jungkook, Jin, and Taehyung walked to the cafeteria as they stayed silent. They then headed back to the waiting room. When they got back, Jimin was still in surgery.

Hours later, the doctor came out and approached them and gave them a smile. "The surgery worked and we didn't spot anything wrong. He is asleep at the moment, but he will be awake later on in the evening.." 

The doctor showed them Jimin's room, and they all walked in as the doctor left the room. Everyone sat either on the ground or on the available chairs as they let out a breath of relief.

Jimin opened his eyes and looked around. He noticed he lay on a hospital bed that was as white as snow. He could hear soft and loud snores around the room. 

It made him confused, but he smiled when he looked around the room and found all his friends asleep around him. 

Jin was on his left side, Jungkook was on the chair, Tae was asleep on his right side. Everyone else slept either on a chair or by his feet.

Jimin smiled because he knew that he would do anything for his friends. He was glad the surgery worked out, and he was thankful because that earned him a closer friendship with the people he loved.


Authors note: it is finished, I hope you liked it!!!

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